Wall Street Journal - May 10 2017 - Ordered Headlines

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Clues Answers
'A Passage to India' heroine ADELA
'Building Addition Is Gutted for Renovation' EXTENSIONCORED
'Horse Soldiers Transported by Air Force' CAVALRYSOARED
'How sure are you about that?' WANNABET
'Our Lady of the Flowers' author GENET
'Panini Found to Be Completely Bland' SANDWICHBORED
'Surgeons and Nurses Clashed With Administrators' HOSPITALWARRED
Adopted the locals' customs GONENATIVE
Anthem competitor AETNA
Battle of Cold Harbor victor LEE
Big-screen brand IMAX
Butter sub OLEO
Carpet feature PILE
Chain offering Master Blasts and Coneys SONIC
Check line DATE
Commotions ADOS
Conjugation target VERB
Container for kippers TIN
Cuts off ENDS
Defeated by a tiny margin NOSED
Destinations for the stressed SPAS
Dubai dignitary EMIR
Enchanted with INTO
Express RAPID
Extorted money from BLED
Good foe EVIL
Gossip's start IHEAR
Grilling site PATIO
Hill crawlers ANTS
His 'Fire in the Evening' is in MoMA KLEE
Hoppy brew, initially IPA
Humphrey's successor AGNEW
It may have a privacy partition LIMO
Jiggly dishes GELATINS
Clues Answers
Kiss specialty HARDROCK
Line man? ACTOR
Long-distance runner Zatopek EMIL
Milhouse's crush LISA
Military choppers HUEYS
Minor row SPAT
Mother of Hephaestus HERA
No longer fizzy FLAT
Online gamer's annoyance LAG
Openly confess AVOW
Pick of the populace ELITE
Plow pullers OXEN
Pole toiler ELF
President, at times VETOER
Primed READY
Put away ATE
Resting on ATOP
Rutger of 'Blade Runner' HAUER
Shape of some faces OVAL
Sock set PAIR
Some of it comes from Mars CANDY
Split apart RIVE
Start for magnetic or metric GEO
Start of a Caesar boast VENI
Statue in Florence's Galleria dell'Accademia DAVID
They're concerned with feet and meters POETS
Tilde key's neighbor ONE
Trading area PIT
Travel mug part LID
Treacherous sorts VIPERS
Troubles WOES
Use as a reference CITE
Warner who played Charlie Chan OLAND
Way impressive EPIC
Workers' place HIVE