The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,414 - Apr 29 2017

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Clues Answers
A wretched cold APATHETIC
At close quarters to workers on both sides HANDTOHAND
Ate sandwiches a good person went without FASTED
Attend a sanctuary and go into withdrawal BEATARETREAT
Break in journey provost arranged when going round Orient? STOPOVER
Change lines to be delivered by Virginia VARY
Creature beginning to pollen part of flower PANTHER
Don't get the wind up BECALM
Factory in which one must be seen as flexible PLIANT
Glassy-eyed, quite a sight in bed BESPECTACLED
Hurry up with double portion of food CHOPCHOP
Lean left in poster? SLENDER
Minister making some civic arrangements VICAR
New style our ships must follow MODERN
Clues Answers
Office mailbag POST
Old tape repaired jumper at an earlier stage TADPOLE
Order duck for serviceman COMMANDO
Pass on Marmite mother's left for spreading REMIT
Person receiving money of late LEGATEE
Relative managed to find accommodation in grand US city GRANNY
Resident football team missing one six-footer TENANT
Rich source listed WELLHEELED
Seek measures with rights enshrined FERRET
Southern headland with river cutting through tight spot SCRAPE
Time to appear in strange tableau daughter carefully organised TABULATED
What those with largest families do last of all REARMOST
Where numbers can be found all day and all night ROUNDTHECLOCK