Wall Street Journal - Apr 22 2017 - Tie Game

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Clues Answers
'Diary of ___ Housewife' AMAD
'Raiders of the Lost Ark' reptiles ASPS
'So cool!' SWEET
*1968 coming-of-age novel by Richard Bradford REDSKYATMORNING
*3M or Microsoft, e.g BLUECHIPSTOCK
*Annual event held in Hard Rock Stadium ORANGEBOWL
*Bring a sandwich from home BROWNBAGIT
*Cruise locale bordered by six countries BLACKSEA
*Glowing brightly WHITEHOT
*It begins in the heart of Munchkin Country YELLOWBRICKROAD
*Marvel supervillain who throws pumpkin bombs GREENGOBLIN
*Schmaltzy writing PURPLEPROSE
2014 World Cup mascot Fuleco, for one ARMADILLO
Animal between dog and rat in the Chinese zodiac PIG
Appeal to the masses? ORATE
Asparagus unit SPEAR
Attracted DREW
Austen heroine EMMA
Ballpark figures? FANS
Bassoon cousin OBOE
Being, in Bretagne ETRE
Biblical balm site GILEAD
Bond, e.g AGENT
Breathers RESPITES
Brings in REAPS
Bug tail? ABOO
Bygone OFOLD
Cactus feature SPINE
Cadenza played by Yo-Yo Ma CELLOSOLO
Camp craft CANOE
Canyon edges RIMS
Cassis cocktail KIR
Chris Noth's 'Sex and the City' role MRBIG
City at the mouth of the Yodo River OSAKA
Cocteau's 'La Belle et la ___' BETE
Compass dir SSE
Cornfield cries CAWS
Corp. boss CEO
Curved letter ESS
Designer Ashley LAURA
Dumbbell abbr LBS
Dump on 84-Down SELL
Early Michael Jackson hit BEN
Excel shortcut MACRO
Explorer's heading, perhaps INLAND
Final Four org NCAA
Final words? OBIT
Firing site KILN
First family of 1910 TAFTS
Fix dishonestly RIG
Fortify MAN
Free (of) RID
Galapagos visitor of note DARWIN
Garden gastropod SNAIL
Garlicky mayo AIOLI
German river EMS
Gifford's successor RIPA
Gold medal winner Baiul OKSANA
Govt. note TBILL
Granola morsel OAT
Grass cutter MOWER
Gwynne's co-star on 'The Munsters' DECARLO
Had a shot, e.g DRANK
Harness race TROT
Hockey's Colton and Bobby ORRS
HST follower DDE
In stitches? CLAD
Initials, perhaps OKAYS
Innate craving APPETITE
Isn't well AILS
Jaguar in the 'Madagascar' movies GIA
Clues Answers
Juicier, as a pear RIPER
Lacking resilience INELASTIC
Laugh-a-minute RIOT
Lawyer's org ABA
Leisure EASE
Like Abner LIL
Like insincere promises HOLLOW
Like mechanics' rags OILY
Lukas of 'Witness' HAAS
Markers CHITS
May in London, e.g TORY
Medical researcher's goal CURE
Milkshake insert STRAW
Nashville NFL player TITAN
Ouzo flavor ANISE
Pagination NUMBERING
Painter Max ERNST
Painter's protector SMOCK
Pay for a hand ANTE
Penance motivator SIN
Peppermint Patty's friend MARCIE
Peter out DIE
Pitched low DEEP
Potpourri bit PETAL
Put on the line BET
Rent to a new tenant RELET
Ritz rival from Sunshine Biscuits HIHO
Rocky outcrop CRAG
Rose garden pest APHID
Salts variety EPSOM
See 31-Across EBAY
Shells on a plate PASTA
Singsong syllable TRA
Site of the world's first pizzeria NAPLES
Slack-jawed state AWE
Sleek, in car lingo AERO
Some mainframes IBMS
Sound from a ewe BAA
Sound from a nanny MAA
Spartan markets AGORAE
Sport whose belt levels, from beginning to advanced, appear in the starred answers KARATE
Spruced up NEAT
State with a panhandle ALASKA
Stiff wind GALE
Sub station? DELI
Subdues TAMES
Tapped the brakes SLOWED
Tax prep pro CPA
They're out of this world ALIENS
Took in ATE
Toothbrush handle? ORALB
Trombone part SLIDE
Ukr.'s former status SSR
Unfit for youngsters RRATED
Upset, informally BUMOUT
Utah ski resort ALTA
Utter SAY
Walk a beat PATROL
Walled area of a city CASBAH
Wee bit IOTA
Where Jesus grew up GALILEE
Willy Wonka candy brand NERDS
Work on a wall ART
Work on a wall MURAL
Work to be done TASK
Work with finger paints SMEAR
Workout based on 124-Across TAEBO
Wyo. neighbor NEBR
Yeshiva figure RABBI