- Apr 14 2017

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Clues Answers
''Cabaret'' director FOSSE
''It's a Wonderful Life'' villain LIONELBARRYMORE
35 Across title: Abbr ADM
61 Across success HOMESALE
Active volcanoes SPEWERS
Baby bottle NURSER
Batman between Michael and George VAL
Beefy servings TBONES
Blade brand XACTO
Brown-toned photos SEPIAS
Core muscle group ABS
County near London ESSEX
Do wrong SIN
Don't mean it JEST
Edison's industrialist pal HARVEYFIRESTONE
Editorial misses ERRATA
Eight-time Grand Slam champ AGASSI
Environmentally sound GREEN
Escape slowly SEEP
Floral attractions AROMAS
Former nutritional std RDA
Frequent tabloid topic POPSTAR
Frequent tabloid topic JLO
Get well MEND
Handbooks GUIDES
Heaps, to Hamlet ASEA
Hymn finales AMENS
In accordance with PER
In flames ABLAZE
Insured's outlays COPAYS
Israeli day YOM
It may be felt above you TAM
Its website has Filing and Payments sections IRS
JFK, in the '50s SEN
Clues Answers
Knocks over ROBS
Least spirited TAMEST
Lima ladies SENORAS
Looney Tunes regular PEPE
Looney Tunes regular COYOTE
Low-wavelength radiation XRAYS
Michel who scored ''Yentl'' LEGRAND
More than a little diligence ZEAL
NASA spacewalk EVA
Nation on Borneo BRUNEI
Obviously little-used DUSTY
Order to a projectionist RUNIT
Part of Jessica Rabbit's outfit REDSHOES
PBS funder NEA
Piece for Italian tenors OSOLEMIO
Planner's project EVENT
Pole, for example EUROPEAN
Portrayer of Gump, Jr OSMENT
Reach by air FLYTO
Sat around IDLED
Seascape master HOMER
Shape of rotini HELIX
Shrub with olivelike fruit OLEASTER
Smokey Bear commercial, e.g PSA
Some brokers REALTORS
Sound of consideration HMM
Spherical topper DERBY
Stereo speaker WOOFER
Subdued LOW
Tidy up NEATEN
Trafalgar Square honoree HORATIONELSON
UFO passengers ETS
VapoRub ingredient CAMPHOR
Verbalizes SAYS
Very well hidden BURIED
Word before horse or hero WAR