The Washington Post - Apr 14 2017

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Clues Answers
'80s-'90s slugger Fielder CECIL
'I thought so!' AHA
'I wanna try!' LEMME
'The Queen' (2006) star MIRREN
'The Quiet Man' co-star OHARA
1860s White House boy TAD
Actress Carrie who was married to Dick Cavett NYE
All there SANE
Asian capital HANOI
Bashful comrade? DOC
Big artery AORTA
Blow a fuse SNAP
Canvas shelter TENT
Casual refusal ... and, another way, a hint to this puzzle's four longest answers NOPE
Clay-court legend NADAL
Color in 'America the Beautiful' AMBER
Concurrent with DURING
Downgrade, maybe RERATE
Duncan of baking fame HINES
End of __ ANERA
Eye parts RETINAS
Feedback INPUT
Fledgling launching spots NESTS
Fronton game word ALAI
Frying preparation BATTER
Funny pair? ENS
Genesis mount ARARAT
Get rid of SCRAP
Golf course equipment of the future? FLYINGCARTS
Groovy FAB
Grows periodically ACCRUES
Gung-ho RAHRAH
Ham's accessory AERIAL
Insensitive zealot? CADCRUSADER
Item under a top BRA
Japanese market letters TSE
Kind of deviation: Abbr STD
Clues Answers
Lays to rest INTERS
Least spoiled PUREST
Like Mandarin Chinese, linguistically TONAL
Like many bar jokes CORNY
Like Mexico's Pyramid of the Magician MAYAN
Like wild horses UNSHOD
Mauna __ LOA
Poetic praise ODE
Popular wine region NAPA
Rationale BASIS
Reel, for one DANCE
Reprobate's regular expense? SINNERSRENT
Rested SLEPT
Rodeo critter STEER
Rotation meas RPM
Sad, on the Seine TRISTE
Self-evident actualities TRUISMS
Shackles IRONS
Skeletal opening? EXO
Stick (on) PASTE
Summer Triangle twinkler DENEB
Sweater wool MOHAIR
Tablet input DATA
Take in, maybe ALTER
Tell, memorably ARCHER
Toddler's downtime NAP
Tot's indigestion area TUMTUM
Unpredictable ERRATIC
What many golfers regularly engage in? THEPARCHASE
Where Gauguin painted 'Woman With a Flower' TAHITI
Whiskey option RYE
Wine bottle figs YRS
Yardstick RULER