- Sep 28 2008

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Clues Answers
''Jeopardy!'' champ Jennings KEN
''Them'' or ''us'' SIDE
'30s heavyweight champ BAER
1980s welterweight champ HEARNS
80% of a quart FIFTH
91 Down, e.g. COLA
Abrupt transition LEAP
Actress Scala GIA
Aid and __ ABET
Allude (to) REFER
Ancient Peruvian INCAN
Appoint NAME
Arctic assistants ELVES
Be forced to recant EATCROW
Bon vivant SPORT
Born leader MONARCH
Bread spread OLEO
Burt Reynolds ex LONI
Busybody YENTA
Cancún compadre AMIGO
Cargo crane DAVIT
Cassette-player descendant IPOD
Come to pass OCCUR
Crater Lake locale OREGON
Curly's tormentor MOE
DEA agent NARC
Egg size JUMBO
Enjoy a novel READ
Enter en masse PILEIN
Excessive UNDUE
Exercise regimen YOGA
Famous last words ORELSE
Flight component STAIR
Foal's foot HOOF
Frenzied MANIC
Funny business HUMOR
Game authority HOYLE
Gen. Robert __ ELEE
Genesis boat ARK
Go it alone SOLO
Greta of films GARBO
Halo glow AURA
Ham it up EMOTE
Having lots of lots ACRED
Health program REHAB
Henpeck NAG
HS math ALG
Hyannis entrГ©e COD
Impulsive MADCAP
In ''Absolute Power'' GENEHACKMAN
In ''Chasing Liberty'' MARKHARMON
In ''Fail-Safe'' HENRYFONDA
In ''Head of State'' CHRISROCK
In ''Independence Day'' BILLPULLMAN
In ''My Fellow Americans'' JOHNHEARD
In ''The Contender'' JEFFBRIDGES
In ''The Pelican Brief'' ROBERTCULP
In ''Vantage Point'' WILLIAMHURT
Inanimate zodiac sign LIBRA
Indistinct BLURRED
Ivory Coast neighbor MALI
Jai __ ALAI
Jeopardy PERIL
La Scala performance OPERA
Ladder rung STEP
Little bit DAB
Long story TALE
Look through a keyhole PEERIN
Lou Grant portrayer ASNER
Clues Answers
Lummoxes OAFS
Make over REDO
Marching practice DRILL
Md. neighbor DEL
Metronome setting TEMPO
Moon lander LEM
Neck of the woods AREA
Night before EVE
Not very interesting VAPID
Notice SPOT
Numero __ UNO
On-line auction site EBAY
One of Chekhov's ''Three Sisters'' IRINA
Orchard element TREE
Ore layer SEAM
Outdo TOP
Paper holder CLIP
Part of Orion's belt STAR
Part of USC UNIV
PDQ relative ASAP
Perry's creator ERLE
Philanthropist Yale ELIHU
Picks up the tab TREATS
Pilgrimage to Mecca HAJJ
Poll findings TRENDS
Prefix for while ERST
Proclivity BENT
Puccini pieces ARIAS
Puerto __ RICO
Punctual PROMPT
Pyramid builders MAYAS
Radii neighbors ULNAS
Respond to reveille RISE
River of Paris SEINE
Rub the wrong way IRK
Sandwich cookie OREO
Scale pair REMI
Send payment REMIT
Shines subtly GLEAMS
Shooting marble IMMIE
Shoots 72 at Augusta PARS
Skittish TIMID
Small jobs for a body shop DINGS
Software test version BETA
Sounds the horn HONKS
Sport swords EPEES
Stashed away HID
Studio sign ONAIR
Sub tracker SONAR
Supplement, with ''out'' EKE
Surveil SPYON
Tab alternative DIETPEPSI
Takes advantage of USES
Too confident SMUG
Trifled (with) TOYED
Turkish rulers of old SULTANS
TV reporter Roberts COKIE
U-turn from WNW ESE
UFO crew ETS
Unable to hold water LEAKY
Underhanded one SNEAK
Underhanded one WEASEL
Unlikely to share SELFISH
Very dark INKY
Wake up ROUSE
Wall St. debut IPO
Weeping-willow relative OSIER
What ''vidi'' means ISAW
What a southpaw throws with LEFTARM
Work too hard SLAVE
World Series precursor: Abbr. NLCS
__-Locka, FL OPA