Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 8 2017

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Clues Answers
'Star Wars' princess LEIA
Ad- (improvise) LIB
Advanced math TRIG
African desert SAHARA
Alaskan city FAIRBANKS
Barely manage EKEBY
Baseball great Lou GEHRIG
Born NEE
Buddies PALS
Carte lead-in ALA
chi TAI
Coach Parseghian ARA
Crisp cookie SNAP
Designer Donna KARAN
Diarist Anas NIN
Doctrines ISMS
Dog biscuit shape BONE
En-lai CHOU
Equal chance FAIRSHAKE
Evaporates DRIESUP
Extinct bird MOA
Fixed SET
Glacial ICY
Goofed ERRED
Gridiron infraction OFFSIDE
Hammer's target NAIL
Hostel INN
Hotel chain OMNI
I love (Lat.) AMO
In favor of FOR
La Scala solo ARIA
Lady of the haus FRAU
Lavish party FETE
Clues Answers
Lighten EASE
Luke's teacher YODA
Made into lumber SAWN
Mauna KEA
Meadow LEA
Moreover AND
Nile bird IBIS
Online auction site EBAY
Painter's stand EASEL
Patterned sweater style FAIRISLE
Pro vote YEA
Recede EBB
Revolution period YEAR
Rides the waves SURFS
Scary cry BOO
Skin soother ALOE
Soft ball brand NERF
Some coll. degrees BAS
Sort ILK
Sound from Big Ben BONG
Spheres ORBS
Start of a spell ABRA
Stead LIEU
Stir-fry pan WOK
Sty cry OINK
Test tube VIAL
That girl SHE
Throw hard HURL
Treasure stash TROVE
Trendy HIP
Truman's policy FAIRDEAL
Watch chain FOB