Irish Times (Simplex) - Jan 14 2017

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Clues Answers
A motto turned out to be fruit/veg TOMATO
Account of a voyage LOG
Challenges to do something dangerous DARES
Charge for borrowing money INTEREST
Conjecturing, surmising GUESSING
Each and every ALL
Early style of architecture and a literature dealing with mysterious events in eerie settings GOTHIC
Element in diamonds and graphite CARBON
Felon, lawbreaker CRIMINAL
Fully grown, ripe MATURE
Golf course on sandy ground near a shore LINKS
Great seas OCEANS
Handheld collapsible canopies UMBRELLAS
Homer's ancient Greek epic ILIAD
Innocent or not worldly enough NAIVE
Large oval nuts with fibrous husks COCONUTS
Little Bear constellation URSAMINOR
Moves upward slowly CLIMBS
Clues Answers
Not obvious, understated SUBTLE
Part of a whole PIECE
Path or track through wild country TRAIL
Place of Hindu retreat ASHRAM
Plant of dry places CACTUS
Playing a part ACTING
Prickle on a plant THORN
Propensity, inclination TENDENCY
Raised horizontal surface PLATFORM
Silvery grey ASH
Simply, only MERELY
Small vessel with square sails LUGGER
Sudden, perhaps violent, overthrow of a government COUPDETAT
Suggest someone is involved or took part in a crime IMPLICATE
The area inside INTERIOR
Tint, shade HUE
Trustworthy, dependable RELIABLE
Unit of heat THERM