- Jan 13 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''East of Eden'' director KAZAN
''Fantastic Four'' star ALBA
''That's it'' ISEE
''That's it'' YES
Aphrodite's boy EROS
Assuage ALLAY
Australian naturalist IRWIN
Biblical beasts ASSES
Capital south of Quito LIMA
Casino conveniences ATMS
Cellphone feature ALARM
Chapel fixture PEW
Clothier concern SIZE
Cold-weather runner SKI
Comment to a role model IWANNABELIKEYOU
Crescent tip HORN
DC collegian HOYA
Declassify UNSEAL
Distress WOE
Dubbed ones SIRS
Early bloomer LILAC
Ending for sit INS
Ending for sit COM
Excited about INTO
Family member NIECE
Family nickname PAPA
Fields of study AREAS
Fishing gear of a sort CANOE
French bank RIVE
Half-square shapes ELS
Help-desk sign ASKME
Hot-air machine DRYER
Iberian sauce ADOBO
Indy Jones phobia SNAKES
Late bloomers ASTERS
Lines of admiration ODES
Liqueur flavor PEAR
Maneuvered for advantage JOCKEYED
Clues Answers
Menfolk MALES
Metaphor for childhood KNEEPANTS
Metric measure KILO
Mideast's Gulf of __ ADEN
Minor misstatement FIB
Novelist Cross AMANDA
Opposite of pro- ANTI
Pantry visitors ANTS
Party leader EMCEE
People asked for readings SEERS
Phased-out Canadian coin CENT
Porto italiano NAPOLI
Rack up AMASS
Revered figure ICON
Revered figure IDOL
Savanna grazer RHINO
Set upright ERECT
Short verse HAIKU
Small ducks TEALS
Spill over TEEM
Steinbeck character OKIE
Stumbling block HITCH
Superficial appearance VENEER
Tap trouble LEAK
Tax assessment LEVY
Tedious task ONUS
The bulk MOST
Tourist draw THEMEPARK
TV marketplace HSN
Ultimate LAST
Unconvincing LAME
Van Gogh's sibling/supporter THEO
Very narrow margin HAIR
Web language JAVA
What's keeping me locked out ICANTFINDMYKEYS
Where Heyerdahl went to school OSLO
Where Jacob Zuma is pres RSA