- Jan 12 2017

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Fear of Flying'' novelist JONG
''Nicely done!'' KUDOS
''Time out!'' hand signal TEE
''You're terrible!'' BOO
Academic challenge EXAM
Actress Kendrick ANNA
All, at first OMNI
Arizona State locale TEMPE
Arrearage DEBT
Beats by a nose NIPS
Become hazy BLUR
Burnett of CNN ERIN
Caballero SENOR
Car buff, informally GEARHEAD
Cereal squares CHEX
Clued in about ONTO
College department MATH
Contended VIED
Court figure JUROR
Craving ITCH
Cry of dismay OHNO
Cry of dismay ALAS
Cry of dismay DOH
End a debate, perhaps AGREETODISAGREE
Fallon predecessor LENO
Falls as ice SLEETS
Fish dish SOLE
Flight deck announcement ETA
Floral neckwear LEI
Grand-scale MACRO
Handsome guy ADONIS
Hatrack features PEGS
Hearty parties BLASTS
Ill-humored SOUR
Light wood BALSA
Likely to happen INTHECARDS
Lister's letters ETC
Clues Answers
Mall adjunct PARKINGLOT
Mark's replacement EURO
Nabbed RANIN
Nettle IRK
Noble gas XENON
Ole Miss rival BAMA
Olympic gymnast, often TEEN
Omelet option HAM
One side TEAM
One way to think ALOUD
Out of the outbox SENT
Overly demanding ASKINGTOOMUCH
Piece of animation CEL
PINs, in part NOS
Prefix for modern ULTRA
Prim and proper one GOODYTWOSHOES
Recent season YULE
Reporter of the comics KENT
Resting on ATOP
Retired NFLer, e.g EXPRO
Rio Grande city ELPASO
Royal decree EDICT
Runs away SCATS
Sells online ETAILS
Sheen, in Shropshire LUSTRE
Singer's instrument VOICE
Skipper's post HELM
Smallest South American country SURINAME
Star hurler ACE
Steadfast TRUE
Stowe villain LEGREE
Sure winner LOCK
Sweeping EPIC
Trim and touch up EDIT
Under oath SWORN
Vitality OOMPH
Yorkshire port LEEDS