The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 100,008 - Dec 25 2016

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Clues Answers
A Christmas Carol quartet -- good entertainers GHOSTS
A temperature examined and reported in trial ATTESTED
and 14 Across and 29 Down: Bearers of gifts when tree is arranged, including me THREE
and 32 Across: Things to be unpacked today, such as three Across answers CHRISTMAS
At Christmas they traditionally help themselves? Not half! ELVES
Cast start retiring SHY
Crazily firing without notice -- that's demeaning INFRADIG
Customer parking right in the middle of a lot PATRON
Dispatch a pair of players north to get instrument SNAREDRUM
Farm animal introduced to new sort of tonic safe to consume NONTOXIC
Floundering, showing weakness crossing line FLAILING
In game on board, mostly moves cautiously INCHES
It's not as ruined as places like Waterloo STATIONS
Jovial deliveryman contributing to pleasant atmosphere SANTA
Learner in oversized uniform FLAT
Notes we hear from singers in famous trio TENORS
One of three I saw arriving this morning, going by air? Sea, actually SHIP
Clues Answers
Open anger that may be smouldering in church FRANKINCENSE
Peacemaking activity I dominate improperly MEDIATION
Philanthropist's name inscribed in entrance DONOR
Property stupid people distributed over time ASSETS
Resort around spring in part of Europe SPAIN
Rookie in trio having change of heart TIRO
Run repeatedly into my hospital for medicinal gum MYRRH
See 12 Across WISE
See 12 Across MEN
See 18 Down PRESENTS
Servant a long time retained by vessel's bosses LINEMANAGERS
Short publication I provided for some on Christmas journey with travel guide MAGI
Small quantity of liquor, or two other drinks NOGGIN
Third descriptor of Boxing Day snow is not odd EVEN
Three fliers from France sent to me after three others HENS
Very old, truly an improvised piece of organ music VOLUNTARY
What athletes aim for -- and archers GOLD