The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 7225 - January 2, 2017

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Clues Answers
Amateur broadcaster RADIOHAM
American biscuit COOKIE
Became less intense ABATED
CD perhaps DISC
Christian festival EASTER
Closing passage CODA
Cock fattened for eating CAPON
Drink holder TEACUP
Drug inducing a false sense of contentment OPIATE
English scientist NEWTON
Exchange ideas about something COMPARENOTES
Clues Answers
Give new strength to REINVIGORATE
Grasp hold of SEIZE
Hue, shade TINT
Individual thing UNIT
Loving stroke CARESS
Make ready to fight; belt mate (anagram) EMBATTLE
Member of order founded by St Ignatius Loyola JESUIT
Spanish miss SENORITA
Tediously pompous TURGID