USA Today - Nov 30 2016

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Clues Answers
"Now," to a nurse STAT
"Wrong!" on the playground ISNOT
1980s new wave band ___ Tuesday TIL
Ad-___ (go off-script) LIB
Air rifle ammo BBS
Alternative to .tif or .jpg GIF
Australian runner EMU
Become an ex-bachelor WED
Become bloated SWELLUP
Brand of plastic cups SOLO
Breast-beating beast APE
Brought in from the field REAPED
Bruce or Laura of movies DERN
Bummed out SAD
Captured via cassette ONTAPE
Christopher of "Taxi" LLOYD
Colombia's capital BOGOTA
Cottage or cabin ABODE
Cowboy boot add-ons SPURS
Curtain holder ROD
Day care enrollee TOT
Double-crosser RAT
Fashion label founded in Milan PRADA
Foreboding sign OMEN
Frozen fries brand OREIDA
Game with mallets and mounts POLO
Graphic on the Weather Channel MAP
Hendrix hairdo AFRO
Homer's mustachioed neighbor NED
Honda's luxury brand ACURA
Jamboree-hosting org BSA
Kennel cry YAP
Leave no doubt ENSURE
Like an unwiped dipstick OILY
Literary orphan Jane EYRE
London's Metropolitan Police Service headquarters NEWSCOTLANDYARD
Lower in dignity DEBASE
Manage the cost of AFFORD
Men, in teenspeak DUDES
Clues Answers
Mineo of moviedom SAL
Minn. neighbor NDAK
Mr. Potato Head piece EYE
Mr. Potato Head piece EAR
Musher's ride SLED
Nose-in-the-air sort SNOB
One of the Jenner girls KYLIE
Overhead trains ELS
Palm tree yield DATE
PC command under "Edit" UNDO
Phil who sang "Draft Dodger Rag" OCHS
Plays boisterously ROMPS
Politico with a six-year term SENATOR
Pooped out SPENT
Prospector's pack animal BURRO
Ralph Kramden's job BUSMAN
Ramps up BOOSTS
Reception problem STATIC
Recipe direction STIR
Response akin to "Oh yeah?" SAYSYOU
Risk-taking type DARER
Schedule opening SLOT
Shoo-___ (certain winners) INS
Show scorn toward SNEERAT
Silent approval NOD
Simba's father in "The Lion King" MUFASA
Slow-witted sort OAF
Spill a secret BLAB
Still on the plate UNEATEN
Supreme Court justices, at full strength NONET
Taker of shore leave SAILOR
TD signalers REFS
Timothy Leary's hallucinogen LSD
Tune also known as "Jimmy Crack Corn" BLUETAILFLY
Univ. aides TAS
Wisely cautious PRUDENT
Word before will or wind ILL
Worried needlessly BORROWEDTROUBLE
Yellowstone Park attraction OLDFAITHFUL