The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,712 - Nov 22 2016

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Clues Answers
Academy staff vacated Tate before random search TEACHERS
Buddhist monk trapped in desert starts to eat raw amphibian SALAMANDER
Dalmatian located track SPOTTEDDOG
Experts treated pet during commercials ADEPTS
Fratricide�s punishment is pronounced CAIN
Grasps they'll help people selecting new gear CLUTCHES
Hope next peace is arranged with Conservative involved EXPECTANCE
In a flap Les plated up last of summer pudding APPLESTRUDEL
It takes courage to try a touch of tact in intimate conversation HEARTTOHEART
Joined in quietly and looked forward to knight becoming king PARTICIPATED
Margin's included in broker bonuses KERB
Mary unwrapped sticky nougat for old crew member ARGONAUT
New town in Surrey is softer according to Northerners NESHER
On land area, going by horse to be abandoned ASHORE
Clues Answers
Outline script -- here SKETCHBOOK
Plots special Conservative policies STORYLINES
Probability evens out in old odes ODDS
Punctilious Trojan king has no answer PRIM
Regular pursuers of customs USES
Reportedly computer programmer's final piece CODA
Search minutely in outskirts of Kingston for fabled monster KRAKEN
Shuts off South-Eastern tips around Dover initially SECLUDES
Small quantity one doctor left inside the endless drunk THIMBLEFUL
Some like Winchester having slated arch redesigned CATHEDRALS
They deliver venom even though head�s been removed ASPS
Toiletries used by Emmerdale beauties?! SOAPDISHES
Upsets food EATS
Watch a big bee fluttering. Or could it be a butterfly? CABBAGEWHITE