The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 27,045 - Nov 18 2016

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Clues Answers
Upstarts originally in costly house in our avenue — outrageous! NOUVEAU
About to cut the old man's hair DREADS
Busy day — lawyer's going ape COPY
Clobber dealer senseless following acrimonious face-off OUTFITTER
Courtesan in play treated with affection STRUMPET
Damaged the cart's wheel? Maybe RATCHET
Deny making tour of women's prison earlier NEWGATE
Detective story — read end! ASTUDYINSCARLET
Dog getting a stomach upset when man's out MALAMUTE
Has to keep English in very poor game PHEASANTS
Is linked by time? That's extremely premature HASTIEST
Killer, some say with previous, was falsely arrested OSWALD
Legendary flier's the reason fantasy writer gets mentioned WYVERN
Mate sheepishly, with hurt expression, getting caught — perfect! TOUCHUP
Clues Answers
Monkey, one protected by higher species? HANUMAN
New entrant soft on crime INCOMER
One spotted crossing road asleep, so needing treatment LEOPARDESS
Poet's sound recording NOYES
Pull young lady? Get right in! WRENCH
Queen involved in dishonest behaviour? Get outta here! SCRAM
Recalled nice landlady serving Guinness? ALEC
See 12 RICHE
Set about working in mine — hurry! STEPONIT
Set aside vote? That's not British ALLOT
Strip by Dutch male isn't fantastic DISMANTLE
Undoing of woman last month involving the opposite sex ANNULMENT
Unitarian school disciplined statesman SOUTHCAROLINIAN
Where royal profile is exactly right ONTHEMONEY