Irish Times (Simplex) - Nov 12 2016

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Clues Answers
A triangle with two equal sides ISOSCELES
Adjacent to BESIDE
Ancient city buried under Mount Vesuvius ash POMPEII
Bone in the arm ULNA
Bound or secured TIED
Channels of communication MEDIA
Close-fitting foundation garment GIRDLE
Comfort, rest EASE
Concepts, notions IDEAS
Declared to be untrue DENIED
Effusively or insincerely emotional MAUDLIN
Expelled, booted out EJECTED
Extreme and difficult to endure SEVERE
Having little interest, indifferent APATHETIC
It's said to make perfect PRACTICE
Kiln for drying hops OAST
Launches assault on ATTACKS
Clues Answers
Leather strip of a whip THONG
Like a house fit for royalty PALATIAL
Local way of speaking ACCENT
Long speech of angry criticism TIRADE
Made a sudden surprise attack on RAIDED
Marinated meat cooked on skewers KEBABS
Nothing more than MERELY
Official residences of ambassadors EMBASSIES
Optical illusion, in desert perhaps MIRAGE
Orbiting heavenly body PLANET
Paths of the planets ORBITS
Plunged something into water or extinguished a fire DOUSED
Sample the flavour TASTE
Second book of the Old Testament EXODUS
Small S American monkey MARMOSET
Upper garments SHIRTS
Wild mountain goats with backward-curving horns IBEXES
Young folk CHILDREN