Universal - Oct 20 2016

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"'Tis a pity!" ALAS
"American ___" (TV program) IDOL
"In ___, veritas" VINO
"So that's it!" AHA
"Sooey!" comeback OINK
"The Sopranos" actress de Matteo DREA
"___ your pardon?" IBEG
18-wheeler, e.g RIG
A few bricks shy of a load LOONY
Act as lookout, e.g ABET
Affleck's Oscar-winner ARGO
Attire for Caesar TOGA
Australian hopper, informally ROO
Baby's first word, sometimes GOO
Bald, as tires WORN
Baptism basins FONTS
Barber's quick cut SNIP
Barflies TOPERS
Beer bash barrel KEG
Believer in only one god THEIST
Breezing through, as a test ACING
Brother of Jacob, in Genesis ESAU
Campus military org ROTC
Chest drawer? LUNG
Clairvoyant's claim, briefly ESP
Comply with OBEY
Composer of "Bolero" RAVEL
Conquers with superior force OVERPOWERS
Cross the threshold GOIN
Deteriorate, as rock or shoreline ERODE
Disarranging or disheveling TOUSLING
Do a checkout chore SCAN
Dry to the bone, as earth SERE
Effect of time AGING
Encourage URGE
Encourage EGGON
Evening party SOIREE
Expansive Asian desert GOBI
Clues Answers
Flippered performers SEALS
Grand ___ (wine label words) CRU
Hold spellbound RAVISH
Human resources person, often HIRER
In a furtive manner SNEAKILY
Inappropriately inquisitive NOSY
Iraq's neighbor IRAN
King, to his subject SIRE
Much-kicked body part SHIN
Oar holders THOLES
Once-___ (quick appraisals) OVERS
Operatic solo ARIA
Overstuffed quip (part 1) YOUCANNOTHAVE
Overstuffed quip (part 2) EVERYTHINGWHERE
Overstuffed quip (part 3) WOULDYOUPUTIT
Plains roaming grazers BISON
Popular cookie OREO
Possess OWN
Put in order of significance RANK
Readied beforehand PRESET
Related maternally ENATE
Relative of "Skoal!" PROSIT
Romanian currency LEU
Send, as merchandise SHIP
Sharp, harsh cry YAWP
Simple change for a 20 TENS
Some shouts of joy WHOOPEES
Spaces between teeth GAPS
Spherical hairdo AFRO
Tennis court divider NET
Tequila's origin AGAVE
The avant-garde's Yoko ONO
Thickets COPSES
To's partner FRO
Wee salamander NEWT
Wolf with a gray coat LOBO