Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 23 2016

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Clues Answers
'-- be a pleasure' ITD
'... or -- thought' SOI
'Anyone --?' ELSE
'Fix' at the vet's SPAY
'Son of,' in Arabic IBN
'The Brandon -- Story' (1998 film) TEENA
'The horror!' OHNO
-- and aah OOH
-- out (depict something via charades) ACTIT
-- Paulo SAO
-- polloi HOI
2003-07 Fox teen drama THEOC
A bit wet MOIST
Academic URL ender EDU
Actress Garr TERI
Actress Potts ANNIE
Adventurous DARING
Arab country SYRIA
Arena yells RAHS
Autumn pear BOSC
Back bones VERTEBRAE
Banana skin PEEL
Bellboy, often TOTER
Betray by finking RATON
Big head EGO
Big wheel NABOB
Brazilian hot spot, in brief RIO
Bridal bio word NEE
Bring down, as a building RAZE
British prince ANDREW
Broilers, e.g OVENS
Build upon ADDTO
Bush-league MINOR
Cedar, say TREE
Chaney of silents LON
City in Texas ODESSA
Comedian telling jokes about wine? SHERRYSEINFELD
Cuts into INCISES
Did it wrong ERRED
Drench, in dialect SOG
Ear clogger WAX
Ear piece LOBE
Easy victims FALLGUYS
Egg -- yung FOO
Egg cells OVA
Emit violently SPEW
Every single EACH
Exam giver TESTER
Famous fable writer AESOP
Fancy resort SPA
FBI figures GMEN
Feel sorry about RUE
Fibbing type LIAR
Firmly fixed INGRAINED
Fix illegally RIG
Fixed charge SETRATE
Fool's gold PYRITE
Franz's skit partner HANS
Get a bit wet DAMPEN
Graphic material with no gray areas LINEART
Grounded bird EMU
Hellenic vowel ETA
Hindu sages SWAMIS
Holy artifact RELIC
Horses' runs LOPES
Hot temper IRE
Huge guns CANNONS
Idaho county ADA
In between AMID
In the way of ALA
Incited, with 'on' EGGED
Joseph of ice cream EDY
Juan's 'two' DOS
Clues Answers
Jules Verne captain NEMO
Klutzy person OAF
Knead RUB
Lamarr of 'Algiers' HEDY
Like pretty decent wine? NOTTOOCHABLIS
Like princes REGAL
Lubed (up) OILED
Madrid art museum PRADO
Make sure of SEETO
Meter inserts COINS
Mickey's girlfriend MINNIE
Military info-gathering RECON
More flighty DITSIER
Muddy earth MIRE
Negative or positive thing ION
News tidbit ITEM
Not pressing NONURGENT
Ocean threat ORCA
Olympic sport that wine drinkers compete in? GRECOROMANRIESLING
One who's expiating ATONER
Opera tune ARIA
PC image file GIF
PC-to-PC notes EMAILS
Persona IMAGE
Pirate's place SEA
Pivotal WWII event DDAY
Planetary features formed from wine? RINGSOFSAUTERNES
Plumlike fruit SLOE
Q-Tip's style RAP
Queasy WOOZY
Radio's Don IMUS
Raines of old Hollywood ELLA
Raw fish dish SUSHI
Really hate ABHOR
Response to 'Am not!' ARESO
Road coater TAR
Round figure ORB
Ruination BANE
Sci-fi ability ESP
See 60-Down ARDEN
Spanish pot OLLA
Suffix with 9-Down ISM
Sutures SEWS
Swarms TEEMS
Tattooed INKED
Terra -- COTTA
The, to 67-Across DER
Toon unit CEL
Top Untouchable ELIOTNESS
Tot's 'piggy' TOE
Two-options-only EITHEROR
Typed guffaw LOL
Untold eras EON
Used to live WAS
Vault (over) LEAP
Vegetable piece dipped in wine? CLARETSTICK
Viewed thing SIGHT
Wave to, say GREET
Wedding vow IDO
West African country NIGER
West African country GABON
Wine aficionados' electoral race? POLITICALCHAMPAGNE
Wine-fancying jazz trumpeter? WYNTONMARSALA
Wine-loving actress? BRIGITTEBORDEAUX
Wine-sipping nightclub vocalist? CABERNETSINGER
With 116-Across, 'Mildred Pierce' actress EVE
Witty Bombeck ERMA
Woodsy, e.g OWL
Work measures ERGS
Zool., for one SCI