Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 24 2016

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Clues Answers
'Eureka!' AHA
'Gosh!' GEE
'Let me think ...' HMM
'Rah!' YAY
'Simpsons' storekeeper APU
Aachen article EIN
Abound TEEM
Amass, as wealth RAKEIN
Bad spell HEX
Bellini opera NORMA
Bottled spirit? GENIE
Break a promise RENEGE
Cartoon frame CEL
Cellist Pablo CASALS
Citrus drinks ADES
Cod cousin HAKE
Cyclades island IOS
Dallas hoopster, briefly MAV
Diner's card MENU
Dues payer MEMBER
Eager AVID
Enjoy Vail SKI
European capital EDINBURGH
European capital AMSTERDAM
European capital STOCKHOLM
European capital REYKJAVIK
Eyebrow shape ARCH
Gender SEX
Gerund ending ING
Goddess of wisdom ATHENA
Highly rated AONE
Interior design DECOR
Clues Answers
Jackie's Ari ONASSIS
Jewel GEM
Jung's inner self ANIMA
Jurist Fortas ABE
Kvetch NAG
Lawyers' org ABA
Literary olio ANA
Locale SITE
Mil. group DIV
Motor homes, for short RVS
Mystery-writing award EDGAR
Not naked CLAD
Now, on a memo ASAP
Old Oldsmobile REO
Old portico STOA
Parcel of land LOT
Partner (with) TEAMUP
Porky Pig's love PETUNIA
Radiates EMITS
Recognized KNEW
Scratch MAR
Shortly ANON
Software writer CODER
Sportage maker KIA
Spring month MAY
Strike caller UMP
Tree fluid SAP
Victory sign VEE
Walked in water WADED
Wheedle CAJOLE
Zilch NONE