New York Times - Aug 3 2008

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Clues Answers
'As one member of the crew ___ ___ co-worker leaned on his shovel' LABOREDABORED
'Hairspray' actor TRAVOLTA
'Hasta ___' LUEGO
'I noticed you use the ___ ___ often than the tarnished one' SPOTLESSPOTLESS
'Let me tell you ...' LISTEN
'Life ___ beach' ISA
'Tasty!' YUM
'That is to say ...' IMEAN
'The driver's crew decided to make the ___ ___ priority' PITSTOPITSTOP
'The judges put the names of each ___ ___ for the M.C. to read' FINALISTINALIST
'The majority of British ___ ___ policy coming to fruition' HISTORYISTORY
'The parishioners ignored the ___ ___ meat on Friday' MANDATEANDATE
'Will the long-winded ___ ___ his sermon?' REVERENDEVEREND
'You won't find any ___ ___ Turner album' SONATINAONATINA
'___ Nous' (1983 film) ENTRE
11th-century year MLIX
1994 and 1997 U.S. Open winner ELS
About which the Bible says 'Consider her ways, and be wise' ANT
Actress Holmes KATIE
Al's is almost 27 ATWT
Alphabet quartet RSTU
Amaze WOW
Amaze AWE
Any ship SHE
Attach, as to a lapel PINON
Audibly shocked AGASP
Australia, e.g. LANDMASS
Automotive pioneer OLDS
Bad-weather gear TARPS
Baloney JIVE
Baseball bigwig Bud SELIG
Beijing-to-Shanghai dir. SSE
Bible distributor GIDEON
Box-and-one alternative MANTOMAN
Break down ROT
Broadcast signal FEED
Bucket of bolts HEAP
Central INNER
Company bought by Chevron in 2005 UNOCAL
Compromises IMPERILS
Confederate ALLY
Copper PENNY
Cross MEET
Crossed one's i's and dotted one's t's? ERRED
Cuisine choice INDIAN
Daisy type OXEYE
Daredevil Knievel EVEL
Deceive LIETO
Derisive look SNEER
Deseeded, as cotton GINNED
Deserve MERIT
Dwellers in Middle-earth ELVES
English portraitist Sir Joshua REYNOLDS
Fess Parker TV role BOONE
Folk percussion instruments BONES
Football Hall-of-Famer Graham OTTO
Franciscan home ASSISI
German article EINE
Greek marketplace AGORA
Green shade LIME
Grove in many an English churchyard YEWS
Habit WONT
Having all the money one needs SET
Hot rod rod AXLE
Human ___ Project GENOME
Clues Answers
Ike's W.W. II domain ETO
Incorporate into a city ANNEX
It may come from a barrel ALE
It might lead to a cloud formation, for short ATEST
It's frequently stolen BASE
Japanese-born Hall of Fame golfer ISAOAOKI
Jazz cornetist Adderley NAT
Johnson and Johnson, e.g. VEEPS
Kind of sale ESTATE
Lady ___, first woman to sit in British Parliament ASTOR
Lat. or Lith., once SSR
Left over UNEATEN
Like some boxes on ballots XED
Mail for a knight ARMOR
Many a pirate's appendage PEG
Mark, Anthony and others: Abbr. STS
Melodramatic response in comics SOB
Milk USE
Minister's deg. THD
Mushroom variety ENOKI
Nigerian export OIL
Old enough OFAGE
One of five Norwegian kings OLAV
One of the Four Seasons VALLI
Park in New York, say AVENUE
Philosopher Kierkegaard SOREN
Place to hang your hat CLOSET
Poker call IRAISE
Potato pancake LATKE
Power brokers ELITE
Promgoers: Abbr. SRS
Promised SWORE
Pusher catcher, for short NARC
Race pace TROT
Receiver of lists SANTA
Record holder DISCJOCKEY
Red River city HANOI
Related on the mother's side ENATE
Relics of the Wild West GHOSTTOWNS
Retinue of Pan NYMPHS
Shoe letters EEE
Shoot out EMIT
Smarmy smile SMIRK
Swarm TEEM
Take up wholeheartedly DIVEINTO
Teacher: Var. PEDAGOG
Tick off ANGER
Ties a second knot REWEDS
Tom Joad, e.g. OKIE
Took care of SAWTO
Train head ENGINE
Ultimatum's end ORELSE
Understands GETS
Ursine : bear :: pithecan : ___ APE
Wash. neighbor OREG
Washington State airport SEATAC
Welcome at the door ASKIN
Wilder and Hackman GENES
Work hard TOIL
Your: Fr. TES
YouTube offering VIDEO
___ Hari MATA
___-ground missile AIRTO