- Jul 27 2008

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Clues Answers
''Family Matters'' kid URKEL
''First Wives Club'' actress HAWN
''Gunsmoke'' star ARNESS
''Hurlyburly'' playwright RABE
''Law & Order: SVU'' actor ICET
''The Magic Mountain'' author MANN
''The __ the limit!'' SKYS
''__ Easy'' (Ronstadt song) ITSSO
60 Down great ORR
A&M Records cofounder ALPERT
Absconded MADEOFF
Acceptable OKAY
Actress Hannah DARYL
After-tax amount NET
Alabama team CRIMSONTIDE
Alphabet series KLMN
Ancient Yucatan dweller MAYA
Ankle woe SPRAIN
Anti votes NAYS
Arboreal ape ORANG
Artifice RUSE
Assume as fact POSIT
Auto accessory AMFMRADIO
Aviation prefix AERO
Bad doings EVIL
Bailiwick TURF
Balkan natives SLAVS
Bath powder TALC
Be financially successful RAKEITIN
Best Picture of 1950 ALLABOUTEVE
Bodybuilder's mantra NOPAINNOGAIN
Boglike MIRY
Boxer Max BAER
Bridge positions EASTS
British noble EARL
Building divider WALL
C.S. Lewis' fantasy land NARNIA
Call __ evening ITAN
Casino worker DEALER
Chapter in film history THESILENTERA
Chemical ending IDE
Collector's list WANTS
Costner role NESS
Covered the costs for HOSTED
Current choice ACDC
Cut of steak FLANK
Darkroom item: Abbr. NEG
Debussy's ''Clair de __'' LUNE
Decorative pitcher EWER
Delighted GLAD
Delineates LIMNS
Diaphanous SHEER
Did an usher's job SAWIN
Doctors' org. AMA
Early show of interest NIBBLE
False god BAAL
Fiber source BRAN
Final, for one EXAM
First name in cosmetics ESTEE
Fruit holder BASKET
Genuine TRUE
George Harrison tune WHENWEWASFAB
Get ready PLAN
Haul TOW
Hawking expert FALCONER
Hoarding type AMASSERS
Horse or camel MOUNT
Icemen's org. NHL
Impression SENSE
In a contemptible manner MEANLY
Iranian coin RIAL
Clues Answers
Isaac Asimov novel IROBOT
It may be struck POSE
Kilt feature PLEAT
King of Thailand RAMA
Lead-ins INTROS
Life stories, for short BIOS
Locket shape OVAL
Low spirits SADNESS
More daring BRAVER
Nantes notion IDEE
Narc's agcy. DEA
Nathan Hale alma mater YALE
Neb. neighbor KAN
Nest egg for some IRA
New York tennis stadium ASHE
No. on a map RTE
Not without sacrifice ATAPRICE
Old phone-company nickname MABELL
Olympian's quest MEDAL
Olympian's sword EPEE
Oscar-winning rapper EMINEM
Otter relative MINK
Pants part KNEE
Pass again on the track RELAP
Peter Pan alternative JIF
Place to work DESK
Plant starter SEED
Ponce, __ Rico PUERTO
Put away ATE
Put on again RERAN
Raucous sound BLARE
Reaches for rudely GRABSAT
Recover quickly BOUNCEBACK
Reddish brown RUST
Regular people FOLKS
Relates to BEARSUPON
Renee Fleming, for one DIVA
Reunion attendees ALUMNI
Rises from within UPWELLS
Riyadh resident SAUDI
Rolls of bills WADS
Sculler's need OAR
Sharp-resolution broadcasting HDTV
Shine, in product names GLO
Short play ONEACTER
Signs INKS
Sling mud at SMEAR
Snack NOSH
Songwriters' org. ASCAP
Songwriters' org. BMI
Sophisticated URBANE
Sound of disapproval BRONXCHEER
Speeds up REVS
Spot of land in the Seine ILE
Tempest-teapot link INA
Three-line verse HAIKU
Tiny bit IOTA
Total vocabulary LEXIS
Touched gently PATTED
Traffic trouble JAMUP
Trumpeter Al HIRT
Turkish dough LIRA
TV award EMMY
Vegetable in McGregor's garden TURNIP
Western Hemisphere grp. OAS
Wet behind the ears DOWNYCHEEKED
Wheel shafts AXLES
Wild ducks MALLARDS
Young socialites DEBS