The Washington Post - Sep 5 2016

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Kidnapped' monogram RLS
'Socrate' composer Erik SATIE
'The Greatest Show on Earth' filmmaker DEMILLE
'___ Works Hard for the Money' SHE
1957 Jimmy Dorsey hit SORARE
A clothing tag may scratch it NAPE
A hacker won't break it PAR
A sitter may be hired for them PETS
Affects adversely HURTS
Amass, with 'up' PILE
Ancient pillager HUN
Appease fully SATE
Arctic sight FLOE
Avoid capture by ELUDE
Balaam's mount ASS
Big name in stationery EATON
Buster Brown's dog TIGE
Camper driver, for short RVER
Cards with pics IDS
Carry off secretly SPIRITAWAY
Challenge DARE
Champion skater Brian ORSER
Checked out EYED
Completely confused ALLATSEA
Composer Copland AARON
Conceder's words ILOSE
Cut back PARE
Demanding letters ASAP
Dogfish Head products ALES
Exchange SWAP
Fast-moving mammal HARE
Fire pit particles ASHES
Flippant PERT
Flowering succulent ALOE
Former clandestine org KGB
Fragrant hybrid TEAROSE
Fuel for the grill GAS
Good name REPUTE
H.G. Wells's island physiologist DRMOREAU
Clues Answers
Have an impact on SWAY
Homework assignment ESSAY
Huck Finn's transport RAFT
It's usually dry-cured and smoked COUNTRYHAM
Jack's value, sometimes TEN
Least friendly ICIEST
Letter-shaped fastener TNUT
Music highlight ARIA
Nearly boil SCALD
Not natural DYED
Oversight FLUB
Overzealous RABID
Pac-12 team UCLA
Permeates FILLS
Piece of landscaping material ROCK
Pitcher's goal? SALE
Place to spot a cabin cruiser MARINA
Political wit of the Progressive Era WILLROGERS
Psyched up AGOG
Raymond of 'East of Eden' MASSEY
Reddington portrayer on 'The Blacklist' SPADER
Resentment SPITE
Rickman of Harry Potter films ALAN
Rural expanse LEA
Say more ADD
Scapegoat FALLGUY
Sci-fi staples ETS
Seed-bearing organ OVARY
Sports venue ARENA
Stand watch for, say ABET
Student carrier BUS
Swedish imports SAABS
Take in the wrong way? OGLE
Take under one's wing, say ASSIST
Tuck's title FRIAR
Underground vault CRYPT