New York Times - Jul 22 2008

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Clues Answers
'2, 4, 6, 8 — who do we appreciate?,' e.g. CHANT
Acapulco agreement SISENOR
Amaze AWE
Apple on a desk MAC
Artificial color DYE
Attila the ___ HUN
Bassoonists' buys REEDS
Biofuel option ETHANOL
Blubber CRY
British Conservative TORY
Brother of Jack and Bobby TED
Brushoff from the Ottomans? TURKEYSNUB
Cargo LOAD
Central courtyards ATRIA
Church official CLERIC
Clear plastic LUCITE
Cold and raw WINTRY
Competitive noshers' event? SNACKRACE
Cyberjunk SPAM
Daisylike bloom ASTER
Demonic EVIL
Discerning ASTUTE
Disreputable SLEAZY
Doled (out) METED
Easily bent PLIABLE
Film vixen Bara THEDA
Fraternity recruit RUSHEE
French composer Erik SATIE
Gangster group MOB
Glad rival in the kitchen ZIPLOC
Goes back (on) RENEGES
Headgear fit for a queen DIADEM
Hole-making tool AUGER
Indisposed ILL
Informed about INON
Iraq's second-largest city MOSUL
Kazan of Hollywood ELIA
Last of 26 ZEE
Letter between eta and iota THETA
Clues Answers
Like some tickets and Western pioneers SCALPED
Like some winks SLY
Loony MAD
Low-tech office recorder STENO
LP speed RPM
Moonshine ingredient YEAST
Most univ. applicants SRS
Nautical leader? AERO
Newspaper columnist Goodman ELLEN
On edge TENSE
On edge TESTY
One cured of a sleep disorder? SNORELOSER
Parts of P.O. labels STS
Pint-size WEE
Pop artist Lichtenstein ROY
Pupil surrounder IRIS
Remodeler's planning DECOR
Requests for a saucer of milk, maybe MEOWS
Rocket's path ARC
Roman poet banished by Augustus OVID
Romanov ruler TSAR
Room under the roof ATTIC
Round-faced flier OWL
Sahara sights DUNES
Sarcastic comment? SNIDELINE
Seeks assistance ASKS
Sensible PRUDENT
Sherpa shelter TENT
Shipshape NEAT
Speaker's art ORATORY
Super Bowl stat TDS
Tap mishap LEAK
Terrible-twos tantrums? BABYSNITS
Tooth protector ENAMEL
Transferred, as property DEEDED
What a violinist may take on stage, in two different senses BOW
Woebegone SAD
Wolfed down ATE
___ Empire, conquered by Cortés AZTEC