Canadiana - Aug 29 2016

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Clues Answers
Actress Farrow MIA
Astronomy unit PARSEC
Attempt TRY
Caesar and others ROMAN
Caliph ALI
CD progenetor VCR
Chevrolet green machine MALIBU
Chickpea stew OLIO
Chinese city TZEPO
Christmas parade figures SANTAS
Circle part ARC
Coal tar product EOSIN
Conifer YEW
Consumed ATE
Engine part CAM
Evildoing SIN
Fan's shout RAH
Flavourful SAPID
Foil look alike EPEE
Ford green machine FIESTA
Ford green machine MARINER
Friend, to Francois AMI
General Motors green machine VOLT
General Motors green machine TAHOE
Geological period ERA
Heart part AORTA
Highways ROADS
Hill dweller? ANT
Honda green machine INSIGHT
Honda green machine CIVIC
Hosp. personnel RNS
Hostelry INN
Innocent one NAIF
Clues Answers
Irish paramilitary org IRA
Italian Island ELBA
Jewel GEM
Levels EVENS
Lizard UTA
Menagerie ZOO
Mr. Shropshire RAM
Of she HER
Origins ROOTS
Plateau MESA
Poetic contraction EER
Provide with weapons ARM
Punctuation marks COLONS
Rombauer, for one IRMA
Root veggie BEET
Sever LOP
Siamese THAI
Suffix for frost or risk IER
Summer cooler ADE
Sun god SOL
Terminate END
Toyota green machine CAMRY
Toyota offering PRIUS
Unprincipled LOW
Unused NEW
Wheat, to Henri BLE
Whitney or Lilly ELI
Word after empty NESTER
Word before Miserables or Canadiens LES
Word of consent YES
Words before mode or carte ALA
____ Tse TSE