The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,191 - Aug 12 2016

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Clues Answers
A group's No. 13 being played? Something to raise the dead! THELASTTRUMP
A loud and totally heartless father always in a fight AFFRAY
At back of the science room speak to give more details ELABORATE
Chemical experimenter wasting time initially ESTER
Chivalrous fellow has a girl, a fantastic little daughter SIRGALAHAD
Church members can be real nuts, terribly hard inside LUTHERANS
Country area that CPRE won't want houses on? GREENLAND
Dad clutching an idol in temple PAGODA
Deceptive type, outspoken with little hesitation BLUFFER
Famous Frenchman wanting some of his art recognised SARTRE
Fancy an alternative source to mains water? WELL
From what we hear, is paid pots URNS
Little fellow given sticking plaster maybe and sent packing DESPATCHED
Lover meeting sergeant maybe for a dance FLAMENCO
Members of firm about to set up in Midlands county STAFFERS
Clues Answers
Miserable miss upset and hugged by boyfriend? DESOLATE
Old Bob, oldie in a TV series SOAP
One helping to get rid of a lot, CEO seen as a shark HAMMERHEAD
Partner's requirement after beer has been sent back? BETTERHALF
Performer giving recent ballad a new twist BALLETDANCER
Player representing America putting lots off GAMER
Reason a boy dumped girl -- being thoughtless REMISS
Reason officer turns up to grab soldier LOGIC
Report of walks in grassy areas STEPPES
Sweet idiot FOOL
The Parisian certainly quiet, being back in study PERUSAL
The unwanted plant in Yorkshire river TWEED
Type of warning altered possibly after first sign of rain REDALERT
Wobbly stranger beginning to yawn by end of road DODDERY
Yeoman having drink, embracing English achievement BEEFEATER