- Jul 8 2016

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Song of India,'' e.g ARIA
''The Tin Drum'' author GRASS
''Top Gun'' airborne opponents MIGS
44 Down's region RUHR
Airer of TED talks NPR
Approvals/penalties SANCTIONS
Autocratic order EDICT
Bratislava bucks EUROS
Brush partner FLOSS
Bugs Bunny's girlfriend LOLA
Canadian gas seller ESSO
City near Cologne ESSEN
Clinton cabinet member SHALALA
Commercial cost ADRATE
Commissions source SALES
Competitive at the moment INIT
Conductor with 32 Grammys SOLTI
Contemplative comment HMMM
Don't go along REFUSE
Draw out EDUCE
Encouraging word CMON
Encouraging word OLE
Error of omission/close attention OVERSIGHT
Farm animal ASS
Flanged girder IBAR
Frat letters ETAS
French article LES
Glacier by-product BERG
Handles bumps in the road COPES
Humphry who discovered sodium DAVY
Inaccurate NOTSO
Insurance acronym AFLAC
Interrupt, with ''in'' CHIME
Kermit greeting HIHO
Kinkajou kin COATI
Landmark near Messina ETNA
Leave in a hurry BAIL
Clues Answers
Letters on some collectible buttons CSA
Light-dawning comment OHH
Logical flaw HOLE
Longtime Ironman licensee TIMEX
Makes a blunder ERRS
Midwestern ''Wheat Capital'' ENID
Most populous Emirates city DUBAI
Name on the cover of ''The Wealth of Nations'' ADAM
National League charter member REDS
No further than UNTIL
North __-Westphalia (German state) RHINE
NSA personnel AGTS
Oceans or seas MYRIADS
On-screen plumber MARIO
Opposite of ''enhances'' HARMS
Permission to enter ACCESS
Pitcher purchase, perhaps ICEDTEA
Polish, in a way EDIT
Red Sea port AQABA
Relaxing/inflexible UNBENDING
Restricted/eligible QUALIFIED
Rock Hall of Fame foursome ABBA
Routing notation ATTN
Satisfy MEET
Sautéed and simmered BRAISED
Scintilla ATOM
Send away SHOO
Slithery menace ADDER
Slow-moving mammal SLOTH
Some calculators CPAS
Sounds like steam HISSES
Starting from SINCE
States in Quebec ETATS
Taberna tidbit TAPA
Takes to task CHIDES
Unoriginal person APER
Verdi opera AIDA
Weather page topic TIDE
Zealous RABID