Wall Street Journal - Jul 9 2016 - One-Upmanship

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Clues Answers
'Band of Gold' singer Payne FREDA
'Born from jets' sloganeer SAAB
'Delicious!' SOGOOD
'Don't change' marking STET
'Idylls of the King' knight GALAHAD
'Idylls of the King' lady ENID
'Nashville' director ALTMAN
'Voice of Israel' writer EBAN
'When We Were Young' singer ADELE
'Without a doubt' YES
'You couldn't have!' retort IDIDSO
1968 U.S. Open champ ASHE
A full working week? SEVENDAYWAR
Bandleader Shaw ARTIE
Battery part TEST
Bibliographer's space saver ETAL
Big house POKEY
Block border STREET
Borrowing figure RATE
Bound LEAP
Broadcast component AUDIO
Calculator result SUM
Capital of New South Wales SYDNEY
Cardinal's base NEST
Cat Nation people ERIES
Central American prowler OCELOT
Chaotic skirmish MELEE
Charged a criminal? TASED
Chimes signaling afternoon tea? FOURSTRIKES
Chocoholic's bane CAROB
Choose ELECT
Citrus garnishes ZESTS
Cobb salad component BACON
Color-changing stuff LITMUS
Comedian Mort SAHL
Concession SOP
Cook's creation MEAL
Cribbage jack NOB
Deliberately taunts BAITS
Derringer, e.g PISTOL
Destroy bit by bit ERODE
Done, as dough RISEN
Egg warmer HEN
Enjoys a favorite book REREADS
Env. abbreviation ENC
Exchanged greetings HELLOS
Fill up SATE
Fille's friends AMIES
Final bid? ADIEU
Gift of the Magi MYRRH
Hardy grains RYES
Have rolling in the aisles SLAY
Hearty cuts RIBROASTS
Ice cream thickener AGAR
Identical twins? TWOANDTHESAME
In the past ONCE
Involve deeply EMBROIL
Iterate RESAY
Jai ___ ALAI
Justice symbol SCALES
Lenny's pal on 'The Simpsons' CARL
Livens (up) PEPS
Magnate's holdings EMPIRE
Make even TRUEUP
Make lace, perhaps CROCHET
Manon or Aida HEROINE
Meerschaum alternative BRIAR
Menu choice ENTREE
Midway points? COUNTYFAIRS
Clues Answers
Mimic APER
Motorist's headache FLAT
Mousse kin GEL
Mughal capital AGRA
Not known by ALIENTO
Old gas brand ESSO
One of Dustin's 'Tootsie' co-stars TERI
Only Mexican Nobel laureate in Literature PAZ
Org. with many schedules IRS
Palookas LUGS
Passionate display VEHEMENCE
Pen for Dickens? GAOL
Petty of 'Orange Is the New Black' LORI
Peyton's brother ELI
Piece in a Stratego game SPY
Play division SCENE
Plays a mean sax WAILS
Poker hunk with an ace up his sleeve? SIXCARDSTUD
Prepares for takeoff, in a way TAXIS
Present occasion, in brief BDAY
President's desire for another term? EIGHTYEARITCH
Prizefighter's prize BELT
Prolong EXTEND
Prophetic sort SEER
Red inside, maybe RARE
Reptile with a zigzag pattern ADDER
Room-sized computer ENIAC
Root for the chef BEET
Rough up COARSEN
Sardonic WRY
Select for inclusion CURATE
Showroom sight AUTO
Shrek, e.g OGRE
Side in a classic battle EVIL
Sister of Amy, Beth and Jo MEG
Small world? GLOBE
Some concert souvenirs TEES
Some Fr. honorees STES
Son of Seth ENOS
Star of a quartet of Hitchcock films STEWART
Start for angle or athlete TRI
Stat for a starter WINS
Still in the movies? FREEZEFRAME
Surpass OUTDO
Swahili for 'journey' SAFARI
Symbol of Erato LYRE
Table scrap ORT
Take exception to RESENT
Take on HIRE
Tennis's Nastase ILIE
That woman HER
Thin layer LAMINA
Thin layer VENEER
Toscanini and others ARTUROS
Tribal traditions LORE
Trilling performance ARIA
Unadorned PLAIN
Uncontentious expletives? FIVELETTERWORDS
Underworld ferryman CHARON
Union member STATE
Verbal attacks SALVOS
Vienna musical premiere of 1805 EROICA
Warning, of a sort OMEN
Watch, hourglass and sundial? THREETIMERS
Water boundary COAST
Water boundary MOAT
Woody tissue XYLEM
Work a trade show booth DEMO