L.A. Times Daily - Jun 16 2016

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Clues Answers
"8 Mile" rapper EMINEM
"Breaking Bad" Emmy winner Gunn ANNA
"Now that you mention it ... " WELL
4-F's opposite ONEA
Adjuster's concern CLAIM
Alpine racing obstacle GATE
Archipelago parts ISLETS
Arkin of "Argo" ALAN
Atlanta university EMORY
Backless furniture STOOLS
Bering Sea port NOME
Beverages sometimes made from potatoes VODKAS
Bridal bio word NEE
Buster Brown's dog TIGE
Chief god of Asgard ODIN
Chophouse choice TBONE
Cocoon and Posturepedic SEALYS
Confident SURE
Couple in a dinghy OARS
Cuba libre ingredient COKE
Cuba libre ingredient LIME
Cuba libre ingredient RUM
Cunning WILES
Decorates with Angel Soft, briefly TPS
Deeply religious DEVOUT
Destructive insect BORER
Difficult spot MESS
Do another stint REUP
Dubai dignitaries EMIRS
Five-time NBA MVP Bill RUSSELL
Flags down HAILS
Former "Fashion Emergency" host EMME
Ground cover SOD
Hula strings UKES
Clues Answers
Industrial Revolution power source STEAM
Instrument panel array CONTROLS
Intense ACUTE
Invigorates ROUSES
Involve in a complicated way ENTANGLE
It's measured in inches SNOW
Kilt wearer's refusal NAE
Kitchen gadgets MASHERS
Large quantity SLEW
Link between speakers EMCEE
Literary sea captain NEMO
Migratory birds GEESE
Moviefone parent co AOL
Negative decree BAN
One to hang with PAL
Othello or Iago ROLE
Pallet piece SLAT
Parks in American history ROSA
Part of a wine list REDS
Places for French lessons ECOLES
Prenatal test, for short AMNIO
Pro shop set IRONS
Put up with ABIDE
Quieted, in a way OILED
Reason for cold compresses and extra blankets AGUE
Relish SAVOR
Reviewers of academic essays PEERS
Scary name in 2014 news EBOLA
Settled on a branch ALIT
Sign of a canine excitement WAG
Some square dancers GALS
Superfluity FRILL
Thought-provoking DEEP
Whisks BEATS
Wordless summons PSST
__ carte ALA