The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 7049 - June 10, 2016

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Clues Answers
Cow's mammary gland UDDER
Former Hindu practice of widow's immolation SATI
Garden flower WALLFLOWER
Garden flower NASTURTIUM
Garden flower SNAPDRAGON
Garden flower DELPHINIUM
Hypothetical situation WHATIF
Instruction, teaching TUITION
Lake district mountain SKIDDAW
Not certain UNSURE
Offensively smelling NOISOME
One who leads GUIDE
Clues Answers
Period of gradual decline or obscurity TWILIGHT
Product of crying TEARDROP
Relating to independent settling of disputes ARBITRAL
Secret plan PLOT
Simenon's detective MAIGRET
T.S. —, poet ELIOT
Trusted adviser MENTOR
Unit of mass KILO
Very eager to see or hear something AGOG
Wild mountain goats IBEXES
Young shoot or twig SCION