Wall Street Journal - Jun 8 2016 - Notes From the Chairman

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Clues Answers
'Amadeus' Oscar winner ABRAHAM
'Back Street' novelist Fannie HURST
'La ___' (1959 hit) BAMBA
'Let's!' SURE
'Ol' Blue ___' (36-Across nickname) EYES
'Where the Wild Things Are' boy MAX
*Clairol brand since 1965 NICENEASY
*It's spellbinding WITCHCRAFT
*Rationalizer's comment THATSLIFE
*Seasonal weather phenomenon SUMMERWIND
*Unconditionally ALLTHEWAY
*What an idealistic person has HIGHHOPES
A very long time AGES
Biscotti flavoring ANISE
British singer Rita ORA
Browbeats COWS
Builds (up) AMPS
Call it ___ ADAY
Camp rental RAFT
Changed course TACKED
Cold War side WEST
Confirmation, e.g RITE
Dispute settler, at times COIN
Elizabeth of 'Captain America: Civil War' OLSEN
Eponymous scale MOHS
Fallon's predecessor LENO
Fill in for ACTAS
Finish in the money SHOW
First class, for short INTRO
First man to use the Oval Office TAFT
Foolhardy RASH
Forgets to say OMITS
Graceless CRASS
Impulse relayer AXON
It may consist of three periods ERA
It may get you to look down ASTERISK
Join the service, perhaps PRAY
Clues Answers
Many Israelis ARABS
Minn. neighbor ONT
Monkey in 1961 news ENOS
NBA star ___ Ellis MONTA
Newfoundland or Labrador DOG
Nutrition amts RDAS
Old Dodge model OMNI
Opening drive TEESHOT
Paris site TEXAS
Pervasive qualities AURAS
Pierce's co-star in 'The Thomas Crown Affair' RENE
Property seller, in law ALIENOR
Roush in Cooperstown EDD
Salon request SET
Salon request STREAKS
See 27-Down SINATRA
See 9-Across ORLESS
Seneca foe ERIE
Solver's help HINTS
Sorority letter THETA
Spenser works SONNETS
Still contending INIT
Take sides? EAT
Take-charge type DOER
Target of some exercise routines CORE
Telecast ONAIR
They're raised in schools HANDS
Tick off RILE
Tinseltown terrier ASTA
Toast spread OLEO
Top spot APEX
Views disapprovingly FROWNSAT
Votes for YEAS
Wielder of the spear Gungnir ODIN
With 36-Across, singer whose songs include the answers to the starred clues FRANK
With 47-Across, approximately MORE
Worst possible market share NONE