Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 11 2016

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Clues Answers
'Cheers' bartender SAM
'Just a moment!' ONESEC
'Narnia' lion ASLAN
'The Greatest' ALI
'Unh-unh' NOPE
Actor Brynner YUL
Actress Neuwirth BEBE
Annoy IRK
Arctic seabird AUK
Asian capital KABUL
Avoids a trial SETTLES
Beetle larvae GRUBS
Boxer PUG
Buffet-table heater STERNO
California motto EUREKA
Capek play RUR
Chum PAL
Clinton's veep GORE
Complaint BEEF
Conical home TEPEE
Corp. symbols TMS
Crooked ASKEW
Deleted XED
Docs' org AMA
Excursion OUTING
Fairway shots DRIVES
Fall flower ASTER
Forgoes food FASTS
Franc replacement EURO
Garden dwarfs GNOMES
Clues Answers
Green Gables girl ANNE
Hero sandwich SUB
Japanese seaport OSAKA
Karaoke selections SONGS
Light brown TAN
Massage RUB
Milan's La SCALA
Nabokov novel LOLITA
Ninnies ASSES
Of the pre-Easter season LENTEN
Olympic sport BOXING
Olympic sport DIVING
Olympic sport TENNIS
Olympic sport SOCCER
On in years ELDERLY
Online journals BLOGS
Overturns UPENDS
Prince Valiant's son ARN
Quaint oath EGADS
Sacred text BIBLE
Scottish city GLASGOW
Sources of fine wool MERINOS
Starbucks size GRANDE
Sticks around a pool hall? CUES
Superman's alias KENT
Trojans' sch USC
With hands on hips AKIMBO
Withdraw a statement RECANT