Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jun 3 2016

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Clues Answers
'Am blame?' ITO
'For shame!' TSK
'Let me think ...' HMM
'Love Leave Me' MEOR
'Xanadu' band ELO
Alias abbr AKA
Antitoxins SERA
Artist Chagall MARC
Band boosters AMPS
Beer barrel KEG
Buckeyes' sch OSU
Call day ITA
Coffee flavor MOCHA
Coffee vessel URN
Crude cabin SHACK
Curved lines ARCS
donna PRIMA
Duelist Aaron BURR
Easy, as a job CUSHY
Egg (Pref.) OVO
Estate house MANOR
Fess up ADMIT
Fiddle stick BOW
Free (of) RID
Gantry of fiction ELMER
Gardner of film AVA
Gents MEN
GI entertainers USO
Hostel INN
Clues Answers
Hot tub SPA
Joshua Bell's instrument VIOLIN
Last (Abbr.) ULT
LBJ's successor RMN
Lines of fashion? SEAMS
Listener EAR
Lost cause GONER
Martini garnish OLIVE
Mill fodder GRIST
More furtive SLIER
Noon, on a sundial XII
Numbered rd RTE
On holiday AWAY
Pod dweller PEA
Poppy drug OPIUM
Popular card game UNO
Pretzel topper SALT
Reddish dye HENNA
Resistance unit OHM
Robitaille of hockey LUC
Rude dude BOOR
Sack fabric BURLAP
Santa's runway ROOF
Service charge FEE
Small batteries AAS
Spy org CIA
Tier ROW
Tramcar contents ORE
Transcript no GPA
Unstressed vowel SCHWA
Vaults SAFES
Wild pigs BOARS
Zaftig BUXOM