The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,604 - May 17 2016

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Clues Answers
A new parent, shattered, arranged to return before dinner ANTEPRANDIAL
Being quietly different creates a fuss POTHER
Bones discovered after force leaves pit OSSA
Brief comment on website is quaint TWEE
City supporter aimlessly scribbles crosses LABRADOODLES
Cut top off fodder plant ETCH
Disguise bloke let out MANTLE
Enlist operator to be at centre of check ROPEIN
Forbid to go back inside remote valley VETO
George IV, perhaps, runs in furiously preening, etc PRINCEREGENT
Haematite obtained from robust seaweed IRONORE
Have time for coffee before midday ELEVENSES
Hired mob going wild tear down 19 around end of November RENTACROWD
Imitate nymph ECHO
Clues Answers
Irritating job for a seamstress? NEEDLEWORK
Lie back following blow BIFF
Like rock when surrounded by sea BASALTIC
Lover boy's house in Florence next to river running west CASANOVA
Make smooth start to your search in maze HONEYCOMB
Nematodes or maggot-eating fish EELWORMS
Note if Rolls gets makeover that's basic NOFRILLS
Pass on third part of thesis to Trinity say COLLEGE
Pools perturbed celebrant touring English church TREBLECHANCE
Refuse vote against state NAYSAY
Spot politician entering tall building PIMPLE
Tired about absence of throne, like some in high places? SNOWCAPPED
We contributed to vote for old Tory MP POWELL
With penetrating warble, Greek character so sounds like Ellington SWINGMUSIC