The Washington Post - Apr 18 2016

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Clues Answers
'60 Minutes' veteran Lesley STAHL
'Game of Thrones' weapon AXE
'It's just ___ in the bucket' ADROP
'Keeper of sheep,' in Genesis ABEL
'The Fiddler of Dooney' poet YEATS
'When will you ___ learn?' EVER
Alfred E. Neuman's expression GRIN
Arduous trip TREK
As a bonus ALSO
Become unraveled FRAY
Beer guzzler's bulge GUT
Bollywood film tune, at times RAGA
Brand that acquired Reebok in 2005 ADIDAS
Buzzers in some jug bands KAZOOS
By means of VIA
Cantina menu item TACO
Cast out of one's country EXILE
Chases away RUNSOFF
Childish retort ARESO
Choose not to disturb LETBE
Clothes-conscious types FOPS
Color of the main in 'Rule, Britannia' AZURE
Creative concept IDEA
Cuba libre liquor RUM
Deicing option SALT
Demolish RAZE
Ended a skydive ALIT
Finished flawlessly ACED
Google Earth graphic MAP
Granola morsels OATS
Have a jones for CRAVE
Hawaii's 'Friendly Isle' MOLOKAI
History class period ERA
iPhone component SCREEN
It may get baked at the beach CLAM
John who explored Canada CABOT
Kentucky Derby winner's garland ROSES
Knee-hiding skirt MAXI
Clues Answers
Like John F. Kennedy's military service NAVAL
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim logo element HALO
Mauna ___ LOA
Medium featured on 'Frasier' RADIO
Not often encountered RARE
On the ___ (kaput) FRITZ
Order for more issues RENEWAL
Pikelike fish GAR
Polloi preceder HOI
Professional who may say, 'Hold still!' PORTRAITARTIST
Professional who may say, 'Hold still!' TRICKSHOOTER
Professional who may say, 'Hold still!' ORTHODONTIST
Professional who may say, 'Hold still!' XRAYTECHNICIAN
Provoke pettily TEASE
Pusher pursuer, briefly NARC
Put up with ABIDE
Responded to reveille GOTUP
Response to a general NOSIR
Sam's instrument in 'Casablanca' PIANO
Santa's standard entryway FLUE
Segue preceding a commercial, say LEADIN
Self-help author Wayne DYER
Shrimper's mesh NET
Skye of 'Wayne's World' IONE
Sphere on a scepter ORB
Spread around STREW
Stampless sentiment source ECARD
Star sometimes called Beta Orionis RIGEL
Subdue by stunning, slangily TASE
Summertime swarmer GNAT
Swindler's scheme SCAM
Tiny quantity IOTA
Toy with a handle WAGON
Volcano mentioned in the 'Aeneid' ETNA
Wind quintet member OBOE
Word between surnames NEE
Work as Jennifer Beals's 'Flashdance' character does WELD