The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 1,576 - Mar 29 2016

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Clues Answers
A jolly grapple in wrestling ARMLOCK
and 10 Across: Dickens work translated by graduate with no time to adopt 'new British' in parts BARNABY
Article is rewritten true to life REALISTIC
Bird that's scary was wild about nothing CASSOWARY
Choral work about Knight's farewell CANTATA
City's municipal officer left day room refurbished by the end of October LORDMAYOR
Common vegetable forming part of pasta terrine TATER
Current destroyed coal pit TOPICAL
Exercise routine consisting of one carrying sheets of metal? Quite the opposite! PILATES
Friend in Roman Catholic church first to get hard material CERAMIC
Gas for audible suffering PROPANE
Gran eager to get cloth NANKEEN
Group of stars with capital deserted America ANDROMEDA
In difficulty there and then ONTHESPOT
Journeyed long and hard with two kings usurping son in Gobi rising? TREKKED
Makes fun of cat climbing to eat what's left? SENDSUP
Clues Answers
Old US money in pilgrim's pouch SCRIP
Order English thesaurus (shortened version) EDICT
Pays no attention to Italian ladies, first to last IGNORES
Penetrate a length of intestine Enteral
Princess embraced by secret society member becoming President MADISON
Rascal unscrambled clues on empty road SCOUNDREL
Rover's escalating curse about love NOMAD
See 5 Down RUDGE
Significant part in MOT is damaged IMPORTANT
Stabilising material delivery to a street BALLAST
Store that offers a service AMASS
Strike horseman capturing a thief with vehicle? RAMRAIDER
Study in summer, that's said to provide supplementary material ADDENDA
Surrender yard for furlong in open country YIELD
Tobacco tin no longer in fashion SNOUT
Type of vehicle with clear roof OPENTOP