- Mar 25 2016

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Clues Answers
''How I Met Your Mother'' narrator SAGET
''The Last __'' (Puzo novel) DON
1.5 liters of Merlot MAGNUM
Abides by HEEDS
Admiralty adjective REAR
Aesopian saver ANT
Battle cry TOARMS
Be footloose ROVE
Big name in blots RORSCHACH
Book before Revelation JUDE
Budget's sister brand AVIS
Cardinal address EMINENCE
Catlike creature CIVET
Chapter partner VERSE
Commando film prop UZI
Copier mishap JAM
Crowds around MOBS
Dig into glass, in a way ETCH
Disney joey ROO
Divided INTWO
Egypt's locale, in part ASIA
Egyptian goddess ISIS
ER readout EKG
Exams required by Wharton GMATS
Explanation starter IMEAN
Fourth-century invader of Rome VISIGOTH
Fully extended TAUT
Good deed FAVOR
Half of a Latin exchange QUO
Health club SPA
High point of Catania ETNA
How Granny Smiths taste TART
Important time AGE
Important time ERA
Laceration RENT
Leave agape AWE
Clues Answers
Little handful IMP
Lounge band COMBO
Major works OPUSES
Mattress annoyance SAG
Minor burn SINGE
Minor key of the Moonlight Sonata CSHARP
Modern-day Mesopotamian IRAQI
Name on 75+ million records ARETHA
Nearsighted toon MAGOO
New Deal's ''Electricity for All'' org TVA
Omelet ingredient HAM
Only Iowa-born president HERBERTHOOVER
Oust via election UNSEAT
Pacific Rim automaker KIA
Ponte Vecchio's river ARNO
Portuguese chain AZORES
Pre-agricultural human HUNTERGATHERER
Redolence AROMA
Riding ATOP
Riding attire HABIT
Sapped of zip ENERVATED
Secret-spilling intro PSST
Sew up ICE
Something streamed MOVIE
Suffix for heart THROB
Superseded OLD
They hang out at hockey games RINKRATS
Tolstoy topic WAR
Tone down TAME
Topological table MESA
Trifling MINOR
Unsettling EERIE
Usual practice WONT
Wavelength gauge INTERFEROMETER
Well thought of ESTEEMED
Whole lot TON
Widespread rages MANIAS