L.A. Times Daily - Mar 18 2016

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
" ... a tale / ... full of sound and __": Macbeth FURY
"Ben-Hur" author Wallace LEW
"Game of Thrones" actor __ Glen IAIN
"__ gotta run!" IVE
1956 literature Nobelist Juan Ramón __ JIMENEZ
1957 Treaty of Rome org EEC
55 million-member service org AAA
Africa country whose official language is English LIBERIA
Annoyance PEEVE
Bad news from the professor FPAPER
Beau __ GESTE
Biblical scribe EZRA
Bit of duplicity LIE
Broadway choreographer for "Chicago" FOSSE
Butcher's cuts LOINS
Cadillac compact ATS
Called the tower RADIOED
Capital south of Quito LIMA
Cocktail that never goes flat? SEMPERFIZZ
Dairy case choices GALLONS
Date night destinations ATMS
Desperately REALBAD
Dumpster habitués FLIES
Eighth-century pope ADRIANI
Excited HETUP
F1 neighbor ESC
Fill with passion ENAMOR
Find the right words, say EDIT
Former Toyotas PASEOS
Fr. address MLLE
French noble DUC
Genesis twin ESAU
Genetic messenger RNA
Gym dance in "West Side Story" MAMBO
Headliner in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show OAKLEY
Helpful, if impersonal, voice SIRI
Clues Answers
Hitch SNAG
Holdup bands? GARTERS
Impress around the green? CHIPANDDAZZLE
Indian bigwig RAJA
King dog CUJO
Like some naval missiles SEATOAIR
Like tandoori cuisine ASIAN
Lusaka native ZAMBIAN
Margaret Atwood's homeland CANADA
Meeting staple AGENDA
Member of the fam SIS
Ming dynasty art source JADE
Ming dynasty art source CERAMIC
Name on an ice cream container EDY
Neutral areas, briefly DMZS
Nous minus moi? TOI
Rube Goldberg machines, e.g.? DIZZYPROJECTS
Sack stuff GUNNY
See 11-Across ANEARFUL
See 15-Across BED
Shocked, in a way TASED
Short club CUDGEL
Some, in Sevilla UNAS
Something made by millionaires? AMINT
Sportswear brand IZOD
Star attachment? GAZER
Suffix with proto- ZOA
Syncopated gaits? JAZZYWALKS
Treaty subject ARMS
Trekkie, e.g., for short SFFAN
Whirling toon TAZ
Whittling away, as support ERODING
With 28-Across, was read the riot act GOT
With 54-Across, common dorm room phenomenon UNMADE
Zulu or Kikuyu BANTU
__ Major URSA