Wall Street Journal - May 23 2008 - May 23, 2008 - Cash Position

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Clues Answers
'Ah, yes' ISEE
'Be Prepared' org. BSA
'Cockaigne Overture' composer ELGAR
'Humboldt's Gift' author BELLOW
'Why bother?' LETSNOT
1987 Peace Prize recipient ARIAS
Address used when asking for a loan, maybe OLDPAL
After the whistle LATE
Agenda component ITEM
Alamo event SIEGE
All-purpose conjunction ANDOR
Another time AGAIN
Astor, e.g. CAPITALIST
Author of the quote MENCKEN
Barracks sights COTS
Bean spiller RAT
Beyond well-done BURNT
Bond holders, at times SAFES
Budding business? FTD
Bustle WHIRL
Butler of fiction RHETT
Capture WIN
Caucasian coin RUBLE
Cause of misery BANE
Chess problem caption MATEINTWO
Chicken little? BANTAM
Clueless ATSEA
Cold call? ACHOO
Company dinner MESS
Composer Satie ERIK
Costner's 'Tin Cup' co-star RUSSO
Country's Yearwood TRISHA
Crazes FADS
Crockpot creation STEW
Crowning ATOP
Crude dude BOOR
Curl one's lip at SCORN
Dead-end job, e.g. RUT
Deck crew's head BOSN
Designer Jacobs MARC
Discourage DAUNT
Does a bakery job KNEADS
Dulles's predecessor ACHESON
Early release BETA
Economist Smith ADAM
Emulate Odysseus ROAM
End of the quote ISOVERESTIMATED
Epitomes of innocence LAMBS
Extra charge ADDON
Famed first name in navigation AMERIGO
Family member, familiarly SIS
Fat substitute OLESTRA
Fire proof ASH
First U.S. ballistic missile THOR
Fit to be tried SANE
Fizzle out DIE
Flight board phrase ONTIME
Flying off the shelves HOT
For fear that LEST
Funny Foxx REDD
Go after SEEK
Hearing aide LAWYER
Heinrich Schliemann unearthed it in 1871 TROY
Hidden downside CATCH
Hoppy stuff ALE
How the pros vote FOR
How the pros vote INFAVOR
Hyatt hire MAID
ID info SEX
In general USUALLY
Clues Answers
Ismaili leader AGAKHAN
It makes sounds OCEAN
It's a dyeing art BATIK
Katana's cousin SABER
Kidney-related RENAL
Kind of column SPINAL
Kindle download EBOOK
Ladies of Spain SENORAS
Londoner's lot CARPARK
Low point NADIR
Make change? MINT
Makes the cut, in a way SAWS
Many millennia EON
Masseur's target ACHE
Mazda roadster MIATA
Miniature burgers SLIDERS
Minute WEE
Muscle Beach display PECS
No longer clear ROILED
Once around LAP
One way to transfer cash WIRE
One-time bridge ATA
Orphan Edwin of fiction DROOD
Page of music PATTI
Paris site TEXAS
Part 2 of the quote MONEYLIESINTHE
Part 4 of the quote WORLDINWHICHIT
Pay attachment OLA
Penetrating wit BITE
Phishing, e.g. SCAM
Picnic sights COOLERS
Piddling payment CENT
Pitches SLANTS
Plymouth muscle car BARRACUDA
Prepare to switch BAIT
Price performance OPERA
Private Benjamin's portrayer HAWN
Publishing family HEARSTS
Put aside KEEP
Reach perfection RIPEN
Red Sox general manager Epstein THEO
Refrain snippet TRA
Reuben's mother LEAH
Rudiments ABCS
S.F. setting CALIF
Singer Hendryx NONA
Singer Suzanne VEGA
Some explosions TIRADES
Sorvino of 'Mimic' MIRA
Split BOLT
Starbucks size TALL
Start of a quote by 122-Across THECHIEFVALUEOF
Statement nos. ACCTS
Subject for an X-file ALIEN
Subject of a noted 1922 documentary NANOOK
The eighth plague of Egypt LOCUSTS
Thought-provoking MEATY
Tiny unit of an organism CELLULE
Topic of many songs LOVE
Towel embroidery HIS
Very silly APISH
What boys will be MEN
Whiskas eater CAT
Wild outings SPREES
Work wk. end FRI
You might have a yen for it SUSHI
___-de-sac CUL