Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Mar 14 2016

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'... baked in ' APIE
'Scandal' network ABC
'Today' rival, briefly GMA
'We please' AIMTO
Actress Ward SELA
Attorney's field LAW
Austen heroine EMMA
Bando of baseball SAL
Biblical realm SHEBA
Big fuss ADO
Birds' bills BEAKS
Boredom ENNUI
Boutique STORE
Calendar abbr AUG
Carry- (travel bags) ONS
Cattle call? MOO
Cauterize SEAR
Chinese boat SAMPAN
Clean air org EPA
Expert PRO
Feathery wrap BOA
Fury IRE
Helix shape SPIRAL
Hitter's stat RBI
Kangaroo, for one MARSUPIAL
Kathmandu native NEPALI
Kvetches NAGS
Ladder part RUNG
Lena of 'Chocolat' OLIN
Loses color PALES
Clues Answers
Lyricist Gershwin IRA
Melodies AIRS
Ms. McEntire REBA
Nuptial vows IDOS
On an angle ASLOPE
One of the five W's WHO
Pakistan language URDU
Pants part LEG
Paris pal AMI
Peony or aster, e.g PERENNIAL
Phonograph needle STYLUS
Pledge drive gifts TOTES
Pump up the volume AMP
Quarterback Manning ELI
Radius neighbor ULNA
Red-carpet type VIP
Scot's refusal NAE
Seoul man KOREAN
Sign up ENLIST
Silly Putty container EGG
Sociable and lively CONVIVIAL
Some cigars HAVANAS
Soup cooker POT
Still YET
Surround GIRD
Sushi fish EEL
That lady SHE
View anew RESEE
Whirled SPUN
Wish undone RUE
Zero-star review PAN