- May 18 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''No problem!'' EASY
''No problem!'' CANDO
''The Barber of Seville'', e.g. OPERABUFFA
''Veni, __, vici'' VIDI
42 gallons of oil BARREL
911 responder EMT
Actress Lena OLIN
Added stipulations ANDS
Alice's cat DINAH
Alphabetized SORTED
Apportion, with ''out'' METE
Austen novel EMMA
Begins to grow TAKESROOT
Blue-pencil EDIT
Break down ERODE
Brie coat RIND
Bring up REAR
Champing at the bit EAGER
Chart shape PIE
Check up on SEEAFTER
Choral voice ALTO
Clooney Oscar film SYRIANA
Coffee orders LATTES
Colorful ice cream TUTTIFRUTTI
Comic-page reading STRIPS
Crucifixes ROODS
Cupid counterpart EROS
Daybreak SUNUP
DC fundraiser PAC
Delta, essentially SILT
Denny's competitor IHOP
Depend end ENT
Dictionary name WEBSTER
Do museum work CURATE
Do road work PAVE
Edison rival NIKOLATESLA
Employee's move, for short RELO
Featherbrained INANE
Fight-card entry BOUT
Fill beyond full SATE
Flintstone pet DINO
For all to see OVERT
French actor/director TATI
Fried-rice option PORK
Game-show group PANEL
Garlicky sauce AIOLI
Generation separation GAP
German border river ODER
Get cleaned up WASH
Get going START
Goes bad ROTS
Guitar part NECK
Help in a plot ABET
Hibachi residue ASHES
Hourly charge RATE
Illinois city ALTON
Illusory display OPART
Impressionist's skill APERY
Irene of ''Fame'' CARA
It's the truth VERITY
Italian-hero ingredient GENOASALAMI
Itsy-__ BITSY
Joint shape TEE
July birthstone RUBY
Just sit there LIEIDLE
Kemo __ SABE
Labor Day day: Abbr. MON
Lee of Marvel Comics STAN
Lhasa __ APSO
Like __ of bricks ATON
Long. crosser LAT
Lot in life FATE
Clues Answers
Lustrous black RAVEN
Major work OPUS
Make eyes at OGLE
Martinique erupter PELEE
Meet segment EVENT
Mexicali misses SENORITAS
Mortar mate PESTLE
Murphy has one LAW
Musses up TOUSLES
Nervous twitches TICS
Not taking no for an answer INSISTENT
Object of adulation IDOL
Okra units PODS
On the briny ATSEA
One of two test choices TRUE
One-to-one learner TUTEE
OR order STAT
Order taker WAITER
Pa. neighbor DEL
Pageant topper TIARA
Parting word TATA
Parting word ADIEU
Peace Nobelist Wiesel ELIE
Pitfall TRAP
Place for a pan STOVETOP
Pool-hall supply CUES
Potato pancake LATKE
Prefix for centric GEO
Quaff with sushi SAKE
Ran like heck TORE
Ranch worker HIREDHAND
Resistance unit OHM
Roller-coaster supporters RAILS
Roulette bets REDS
Schools for engrs. INSTS
Seaport of Chile VALPARAISO
Set straight ORIENT
Sharp as a tack KEEN
Sherry in a Poe story AMONTILLADO
Short skirts MINIS
Show curiosity ASK
Showing no emotion STOIC
Showy yellow insect IOMOTH
Shroud city TURIN
Sign of spring ARIES
Slangy approval YEAH
Slip away from EVADE
Starry-eyed GAGA
Steamy spot SAUNA
String player of yore LUTIST
Succeeded accidentally FLUKED
Sudden outpouring SPATE
Take a shot TRY
Tenant of the Mertzes LUCYRICARDO
Those opposed ANTIS
Time on the job STINT
Trident prong TINE
Trilogy starter PARTI
Troop group UNIT
Tunesmiths' org. ASCAP
Type choices FONTS
Unable to sit still ANTSY
Verdi masterpiece ILTROVATORE
Was horrible STANK
Water carrier HOSE
Wed on the run ELOPE
Wind up END
Window adornment DECAL
Yemeni port ADEN
Young fella LAD
[Horrors!] GASP
__-European INDO