- Feb 21 2016

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Clues Answers
'' 'Twas not to be . . .'' ALAS
''As you command'' YESSIR
''Dallas'' surname EWING
''Don't let those fellas escape!'' GETEM
''I Love Lucy'' character ETHEL
''Incidentally'' in a chat room BTW
''It's not wise to upset a Wookiee'' speaker HANSOLO
''The Cherry Orchard'' girl ANYA
''The door is that way'' NOWGO
''Very interesting!'' MYMY
''Whatever you say'' IMEASY
A smaller portion LESS
Abe Lincoln-like LANKY
Actor Carell STEVE
Agassi of tennis ANDRE
Allergic reaction SNEEZE
Badger or hound HASSLE
Bahraini or Bhutanese ASIAN
Basic util ELEC
Battle of the Atlantic participant UBOAT
Battlers of long standing SEXES
Become preoccupied with FIXON
Belief, in brief CREDO
Big wheels, for short SUV
Bundle of energy DEMON
Burrito bean PINTO
Change-machine input ONES
CIO partner AFL
City near the Great Salt Lake OGDEN
Cleaver kin AXE
Clothing category MENS
Clueless ATALOSS
Complies OBEYS
Donut shape TORUS
Drip source LEAK
Earplug effectiveness measure DECIBEL
Easter egg dip DYE
Electric-guitar wood ALDER
Emilio's evening SERA
Ending for prefer ENCE
Energetic ACTIVE
Energy measures ERGS
Enmity HATE
Fall off ABATE
Fitness HEALTH
Flash drive plug-in place PORT
Fleet bosses ADMIRALS
Friar canonized by Francis SERRA
Friend of Emerson THOREAU
Fringes EDGES
Garage service LUBE
Grand Slammer actress AUDREYHEPBURN
Grand Slammer actress RITAMORENO
Grand Slammer actress HELENHAYES
Grand Slammer comic/actress WHOOPIGOLDBERG
Grand Slammer comic/director MIKENICHOLS
Grand Slammer composer MARVINHAMLISCH
Grand Slammer songwriter ROBERTLOPEZ
Grandson of Adam ENOS
Greet enthusiastically HAIL
Groom carefully PREEN
Groom carefully PRIMP
Having learned from experience WISER
Head swellers EGOS
Hidey-hole LAIR
Hit an icy patch, perhaps SKIDDED
Hoedown participant GAL
Huge film screen IMAX
Huge success SMASH
Ideal ending IZE
Impersonate POSEAS
Impressive head-turners OWLS
Info on a day-care application AGE
Clues Answers
Interoffice directive ASAP
Inundates inboxes, perhaps SPAMS
Italian alp MONTE
Italian fashion center MILAN
Knock off at a Ren Faire UNHORSE
Landscaper's rolls SOD
Leafy lunches SALADS
Leave in the dust OUTPACE
Les __-Unis ETATS
Makeup of matter ATOMS
Malleable metal TIN
Means __ end TOAN
Modern video transmission STREAM
Monk's hairdo TONSURE
Moves toward NEARS
Muscle quality TONE
Mushroom part STEM
Mushroom part CAP
Notre Dame legend Rockne KNUTE
Opposite of ''smash'' FIASCO
Passed with ease ACED
Photocopier attachments TRAYS
Phrase in many psalms OLORD
Piano piece ETUDE
Pitchfork fodder HAY
Poetic preposition ERE
Private theater box LOGE
Reddish brown RUST
Reef wrigglers EELS
Ren Faire weapon LANCE
Reproachful remark FORSHAME
Roman poet OVID
Royal attendant YEOMAN
Russian royal name IVAN
Sacred ceremony RITE
Salk vaccine medium SERUM
Setting for a senior moment PROM
Sheltered waters BAYS
Site of a Herculean labor NEMEA
Slick OILY
Small iPod NANO
Smallest euro coin CENT
Social or antisocial group GANG
Some 3-D pictures MRIS
Some South Africans BOERS
Tease gently RIB
Telemarketer's tool DIALER
Ten Benjamins THOU
Texter's qualification IMO
The Silver St NEV
They fly by night MOTHS
They're not true LIARS
Timber wolf LOBO
Took up the challenge DARED
Toothy reptile, for short CROC
Topped, as a torte ICED
Trait transmitter GENE
Turkish money LIRA
Twin of Artemis APOLLO
Ultimate degree NTH
Web article references LINKS
What a keystone tops ARCH
Where the sea meets the sky HORIZON
Wiggle room PLAY
Wild West show prop ROPE
Wild West show prop BARREL
Windsock alternative VANE
Winter party concoctions NOGS
Withdraws, with ''out'' OPTS
Workplaces for MDs ORS
World Cup cheers OLES
__ plan (wireless user's subscription) DATA