Universal - May 14 2008

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Capiche?'' GETIT
''Funny ___ or funny peculiar?'' HAHA
''___ Day Will Come'' OUR
''___-la-la'' TRA
18-wheeler SEMI
A-list group ELITE
Acclaim ECLAT
Adore (with 43-Across) PLACEONA
Barnyard butters GOATS
Bay baby FOAL
Be sorry for RUE
Bird of childbirth STORK
Blows a gasket SEESRED
Budget rentals CARS
Bygone autocrat TSAR
Candlelike WAXY
Cape ___ (cottage style) COD
Chevy classic CAMARO
Colo. zone MST
Creek blocker DAMS
Crossword category EASY
Energetic or high-powered DYNAMIC
First-family grandson ENOS
Fixed part of a motor STATOR
Gather into folds PLEAT
Gathering dust IDLE
Humble LOWLY
Hundredweights, briefly CWTS
Huntley or Atkins CHET
Interoffice note MEMO
Involuntary contraction SPASM
Iridescent gem OPAL
Lady of the house MADAM
Leaf angle AXIL
Light throw TOSS
Like blue shoes of song SUEDE
Clues Answers
Like open convertibles TOPLESS
Memorable chunks of history ERAS
Milk protein CASEIN
Molecular component ATOM
Moon rock pieces? DRUMSET
Needing serious help INASPOT
No matter which ANY
Novelist Tolstoy LEO
Obi-Wan portrayer ALEC
Packed-house letters SRO
Phil of folk music OCHS
Pizzeria supplies SALAMIS
Portside LEFT
Put in stitches SEW
Racks for a buck ANTLERS
Raggedy doll ANN
Ravioli or rigatoni PASTA
Report from a barrel GUNSHOT
Rubbed the wrong way IRKED
Sault ___ Marie STE
Scholarship offering AID
Scrap in the 2000 election news CHAD
Screenwriter Ephron NORA
See 32-Across PEDESTAL
Showy and cheap TAWDRY
Sicilian volcano ETNA
Silver screen world FILMDOM
Sunburn soother ALOE
Supped ATE
Surrealist Max ERNST
Swelled head EGO
Tavern serving ALE
They fill perimeters AREAS
Tour de France measurements, briefly KMS
U.S. govt. bill TNOTE
Use inelegant language toward CURSEAT
Vegas line ODDS
Wally of ''Mister Peepers'' COX
Witch's spell HEX