- Feb 6 2016

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Clues Answers
''Call Me __'' (media mogul's 39 Across) TED
''Children of the Lamp'' characters GENIES
''Point cardinal'' EST
''Sylvan historian'' of British poesy URN
Abominate ABHOR
Barack's first HHS secretary KATHLEEN
Barbecue serving KEBAB
Beneficiaries of presses PECS
Best bet of a sort TOPSEED
Betray bliss BEAM
Bought back, in a way RANSOMED
Bounce PEP
Categorically TOATEE
Cause to LET
Colonists' quest, perhaps SELFRULE
Contest conclusion ANT
Deal with ADDRESS
Deflate a bit BLEED
Entry in a book of Liszt's ETUDE
Erstwhile inn on wheels BARCAR
Eye-opening act COUP
Floral symbol of affection LEI
Gets out gradually OOZES
Having distinct rising steps SCALAR
He unveiled the first Country Music Hall of Fame plaques ERNESTTUBB
Human bone that whales lack PATELLA
In before, out now PASSE
Inclination APPETITE
Inserts oneself ENTERS
It might precede ''You should've listened'' ITSATRAP
It's about 200 miles south of Minneapolis on I-35 AMES
Clues Answers
Land north of the Pacific PANAMA
Least practical CRAZIEST
Less certain LEERIER
Lighter letters BIC
Lit into BASTED
Loose-leaf adjunct TEATABLE
Made up ATONED
Michener book subtitled ''Spanish Travels and Reflections'' IBERIA
Movable jet-wing part SLAT
Opposite of ''forward'' AFT
Otterhound offshoot AIREDALE
Outrageous nature ENORMITY
Process, as cereal THRESH
Profit potential UPSIDE
Quick-witted APT
Rats alternative OHDARN
Romeo or Juliet TEEN
Scene of Sergeant York's heroics ARGONNE
Seagirt spot ISLE
Second shot REDO
Show in a hall CONCERT
Some group of ANY
Sort of story BIO
Sources for old wagon wheels ELMS
Stone that's largely silicon OPAL
Stuck (out) PEEPED
Sworn statement IDO
Undoings BANES
Went around RINGED
Word from the Latin for ''play beside'' ALLUDE
__ shop PRO