The Sun - Two Speed - Feb 4 2016

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Clues Answers
Adolescents TEENAGERS
Animal to maybe roam round a herb ARMADILLO
Animal with protective plates ARMADILLO
Armoured vehicle TANK
Army priest CHAPLAIN
Ball-gown fabric TAFFETA
Bordered EDGED
Bring back plump cheese - it's material TAFFETA
Clothes-line clip PEG
Coastline SHORE
Combine section and load, poorly CONSOLIDATE
Dead bird in bad odour DODO
Decaying PUTRID
Evocative REDOLENT
Extinct bird DODO
Fir cones involved with such investigative science FORENSIC
Generates upheaval for young people TEENAGERS
In bloom OUT
Island in America beyond another lost city STLOUIS
Knowledge (abbrev) INFO
Locked up in the deep-freeze, ensuring cold symptom SNEEZE
Clues Answers
Low-down from certain footballer (abbrev) INFO
Minor politician to support magistrates with hesitation BACKBENCHER
Missouri's second largest city STLOUIS
Moved slowly and guarded against loss, Cockney fashion EDGED
Nut variety ALMOND
Old man cracked a nut ALMOND
Potassium on brown container TANK
Prop up on the beach SHORE
Realise sometimes umbrellas sell singly, initially SUSS
Realise, grasp SUSS
Red machines made goods MERCHANDISE
Relating to law courts FORENSIC
Religious type wanting tea without milk or sugar? CHAPLAIN
Rotten place to clear PUTRID
Ruffian loses his head away from home OUT
Scapegoat hid tee PEG
Scrap of code left MORSEL
Send nice letters off, though infuriated INCENSED
Sign of a cold SNEEZE
Suggestive of state aid in hiring charge REDOLENT
Suitable to take without permission APPROPRIATE
Unite into one CONSOLIDATE