Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 19 2016

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Clues Answers
A number of children from different families acted from case studies ISSUES
A time in Europe for Botticelli at the centre will leave a sour taste in people's mouths ACETIC
Ceremony for potential partners in Government administration CIVILSERVICE
Change conversation about saving Tomorrow's World CONSERVATION
Dana sung arrangement for the people from Africa UGANDANS
Doesn't come natural to never leave a carbon footprint? INORGANIC
First tensions for The Union is a real pick-me-up for all things German TEUTONIC
Fondness for liberal dotty type perhaps on the board LIKING
German lost award for the neighbours - it tells one a lot about how the world works GLOBE
Girl in American city tends to act the goat NANNY
Go down hill and inquire at local bar with bad reputation NOSEDIVE
Importance of ecstasy that's explosive for half of France EMINENCE
Meet criminal on the border CONVERGE
One of those long-suffering types in Fortitude ENDURANCE
Clues Answers
PS - casual management produced The Blades? SCAPULAS
Raised from the ashes without crossing intelligence agency in old country PHOENICIA
Resourceful Lodge provides parking for those going up in the world ENTERPRISING
Retweet over court case? Are you pulling my leg! TRACTION
Sat away from teachers to bring the house down CHEER
Spring means to rub salt in it SEASON
Supernaturalism doesn't include reprisals when Halloween arrives AUTUMN
To such a great extent, ill-will drops Clare living in Africa SOMALI
Union rings a foreign church for ineffectual ladies' man perhaps EUNUCH
Unscrupulous political figure provides cover for poor beggar CARPETBAGGER
Vulgar type? Take the head off one and you'll still find it offensive! CRUDE
Waters down school petitions SPRAYS
Will domestic emigrate? LEAVEHOME
Witness individual covering fashion from centre of Paris ONLOOKER