Wall Street Journal - Jan 9 2016 - Mind Your P's and Clues

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Clues Answers
'It is,' on Ibiza ESTA
'Money' novelist AMIS
'No ___!' ('Sure thing!') PROB
'That's just perfect!' GREAT
'___ Little Tenderness' TRYA
1936 Bing Crosby song SODOI
1963 title role for Shirley IRMA
1979 miniseries with Robert Duvall in the title role IKE
1995 film set on the Hoggetts' sheep farm BABE
Ambulance letters EMS
Angled annexes ELLS
Approaching NIGH
Atlas expanses SEAS
Back pages, often ADS
Banks of Chicago ERNIE
Big name in baked goods SARALEE
Big ___ outdoors ASALL
Brittle shale, say? CRISPYROCK
Capital of Tartarus? TAU
Caribou's cousin ELK
Cascade composed of chowder? SOUPYFALLS
Celeb with a TV network OPRAH
Charisse of 'Silk Stockings' CYD
Co. designation INC
Colonel Bowie's last stand ALAMO
Comfortable ATHOME
Common bruschetta ingredient BASIL
Complain bitterly RAIL
Concierge desk handout AREAMAP
Continental product TIRE
Contract content TERMS
Coolidge's alma mater AMHERST
Copier components SORTERS
Corp. division DEPT
Curving river feature ESS
Dangerous fan STALKER
Deadly gas SARIN
Device with a 2015 Pro version IPAD
Devotion PIETY
Dinnertime directive EAT
Dirt road depressions RUTS
Dog that smells like cheap wine? GRAPYHOUND
Dotty dimwits? DOPEYNUTS
Drink akin to a Cape Codder COSMO
Drive off SHOO
Easy ___ ASPIE
Elvis's daughter LISAMARIE
Enlightened exclamation AHA
Eventful journey ODYSSEY
Far from lush ARID
Finds functions for USES
Flashers in a club STROBES
For every PER
For every EACH
Future expert SEER
Garrisons' places FORTS
Golfer Stewart PAYNE
Gullible type SAP
Half a sawbuck FIN
Hand component CARD
Hangman's loop NOOSE
Horns for the Tritons CONCHES
Humiliate ABASE
Increases, as production RAMPSUP
Is decisive OPTS
It opens a lot of doors PASSKEY
It should stop a run on the banks DIKE
It's over twice as tall as Vesuvius ETNA
Clues Answers
John's wife YOKO
Largest of the Inner Hebrides SKYE
Latvia or Lithuania, once: Abbr SSR
Letter before Bravo ALFA
Like balsamic vinegar AGED
Little varmint IMP
Longtime Chicago Tribune film critic SISKEL
Longtime Connecticut senator DODD
Low, extensive cloud STRATUS
Make applesauce, perhaps PUREE
Melanin cluster FRECKLE
Member of the oldest federal law enforcement agency USMARSHAL
Moviefone's parent AOL
Ned Flanders's younger son TODD
Nirvana song '___ Plain' ONA
Obits, essentially BIOS
One might be chronic LIAR
One might get thrown from a horse LASSO
Opera commissioned by a khedive AIDA
Out of memory? AMNESIC
Philanthropist Charles for whom a Northwestern library is named DEERING
Plants SOWS
Ploy to avert bankruptcy FIRESALE
Poor woodcutter of fiction ALIBABA
Positioned SITED
Powerful brews ESPRESSOS
Precinct boss with a hoarse cough? CROUPYCHIEF
Pres. Davis's side CSA
Processed food? CHEWED
Pull some strings? TUNE
Purpose of a UPS number TRACKING
Quality of a good subject LOYALTY
Raid target BUG
Rain delay sight TARP
Ranch animal with an uneven hide? BUMPYSTEER
Region of high atmospheric pressure RIDGE
Rent out LET
Road hog? HARLEY
Rub the wrong way IRK
Screwball WACKY
Secretary of state before Dulles ACHESON
Secured, as an hors d'oeuvre SPEARED
Server who's short and stout? DUMPYWAITER
Serving that doesn't even moisten your cornflakes? SKIMPYMILK
Singer born on Oahu DONHO
Singers Cooke and Smith SAMS
Solstice mo DEC
Some anesthetic shots SPINALS
Source of secretions GLAND
Splits GOES
Star of 2015's 'Black Mass' DEPP
Start of several Keats titles ODETO
Stood out SHONE
Swift specialty IRONY
Taffeta feature SHEEN
Tankard fill ALE
Team booster, often ALUM
They may be on a roll SEEDS
Time spent watching tearjerkers? WEEPYHOURS
Treated a stain, in a way PRESOAKED
Treats at Pueblo parties? HOPICAKES
Trees that produce a light honey TUPELOS
Utterly humiliate, informally OWN
Vegetable in the mallow family OKRA
Vein stuff ORE
Win back RECOUP
Words from a qualified agreement YEAHBUT
Wrap up END
Zip, as a Ziploc bag RESEAL
___ bene NOTA