Wall Street Journal - Dec 18 2015 - Same Difference

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Clues Answers
'Cake Boss' network TLC
'Help wanted' sign SOS
'The first chapter in the book of wisdom,' according to Jefferson HONESTY
Agent's income FEES
Arresting figure COP
Assume PUTON
Autumn Harvest Uprising leader MAO
Banderole inscription MOTTO
Banquet figures MCS
Bed you can't roll out of CRIB
Besieged peninsula in WWII's Pacific theater BATAAN
Bilingual American, often LATINO
Blind spot's spot RETINA
Book club founder OPRAH
Cavorts playfully CAPERS
Cavorts playfully PRANCES
Choose OPT
Classic 1950 film noir DOA
Classics, for short LIT
Copy APE
Correction to a correction STET
Deficient SHY
Dig in EAT
Drilling org ROTC
Eagles guitarist Glenn FREY
Evans of country SARA
Family seat SOFA
Front cover APRON
Fuse with heat SMELT
Galapagos birds vital to Darwin's theories FINCHES
Galley need OAR
Game featuring shapes of different colors TETRIS
Game featuring shapes of different colors TWISTER
Get a load of SEE
Get rid of BOOT
Go over PERUSE
Grant's side NORTH
Improver of the Newcomen steam engine WATT
In need of a refresher RUSTY
Clues Answers
In other words TOWIT
It's all over the newspapers INK
Item under a carpet PAD
Its business is cards TOPPS
Keep pace with EQUAL
Large planter URN
Latte variety MOCHA
Leading-edge MODERN
Like a neglected garden WEEDY
Like some lampshades OPAQUE
Like some strength training exercises ISOMETRIC
Longtime NASCAR sponsor STP
Made much of? CLONED
Make drinks last SIP
Men's formalwear purchase COAT
Men's formalwear purchase ASCOT
Objectionable NASTY
Overnight stop INN
Overseeing a child's development, say PREGNANT
Overseeing a child's development, say PARENTING
Patriots' org NFL
Petulant complaints BEEFING
Pretends to be POSESAS
Runner's feat STEAL
Sprout TOT
Strong and brave MANLY
Surgical cut SLIT
Suspicious SHIFTY
Suspicious FISHY
They've got the time CLOCKS
Travel kit gizmos ADAPTERS
Unconcealed OPEN
Villainous deputy in 'Measure for Measure' ANGELO
Woefully unimpressive SORRY
Work with Madonna PIETA
Writers' room products IDEAS
Yields from fields CROPS
Young fellow LAD
___ chart (horoscope) NATAL