BuzzFeed - Dec 8 2015

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Get off my ___! Crazy kids.' LAWN
'I might know the answer to that' TRYME
'Limit one ___ customer' PER
'OMG could not have said it better!' SOTRUE
'Shake dat ___' (exhortation to an Egyptian person who is dancing with a snake) ASP
'Skin So Soft' company pitched to in the later seasons of 'Mad Men' AVON
'Suburbs' rock band that on occasion features a glockenspiel, xylophone, and hurdy-gurdy ARCADEFIRE
'The Simpsons' character whose last name is Discothèque STU
'Where Have All the Flowers Gone?' protest singer Pete SEEGER
'___ it to me' (request similar to 'Give me your home phone number') FAX
1975 Israel Prize recipient MEIR
Aaron Burr, to Alexander Hamilton, at least that one time FOE
Ability to distinguish good music EAR
Apple-Q QUIT
Apt workplace for a scientist named Gene or Adenine DNALAB
Ash vehicle before the scattering, maybe URN
Bad place to get punched, if you enjoy breathing SOLARPLEXUS
Badonkadonk ASS
Beginning for heat or seat PRE
Big name in Texan football J.J WATT
Big name in Texan hats STETSON
Body spray that causes you to drown in ladies, according to some of the most subtle of American advertising AXE
Booze for Captain Morgan or Captain Jack Sparrow RUM
Bro's counterpart SIS
Clickable pixels ICON
Cravings YENS
Decides to find out ASKS
Dental flaw CHIP
Drops in the morning DEW
Dude who knows how to create a buzz PRMAN
Excrement WASTE
Financial backing FUNDS
Fossil Fuel ___ (period of time hopefully drawing to a close soon) ERA
French word that starts a U.S. state capital DES
Fucked up LIT
Geometrical line that I'm pretty sure cannot actually be evil AXIS
Greek letter written big in the sky DELTA
Groove for the bowstring on an arrow NOTCH
Clues Answers
Group of big hitters? MAFIA
Group of five players that blow hard on stage until they all finish their piece WINDQUINTET
High priest that sounds like a hilarious camelid LAMA
It's made up of metric units POEM
Let a fart loose, with 'one' RIP
Letters on a metronome BPM
Like an EPIC statue MONUMENTAL
Like Avoxes in 'The Hunger Games,' because the government cut their tongues out MUTE
Like good barbecue sauce TANGY
Long story SAGA
Maine town on the Penobscot River ORONO
Metal tossed on a junk heap SCRAP
Method of growing plants that... look, it's for weed, all right? You use this method to grow weed HYDROPONICS
Mine was boldly titled 'A New Definition of the Steenrod Operations in Algebraic Geometry' THESIS
Official order EDICT
Piece of land sometimes connected to the mainland, depending on the time of day TIDALISLAND
Place for a weekday evening quiz with one's chaps PUB
Place you store food, assuming you live in, like, the mid-1800s LARDER
Potential martini ingredient, but I'll take mine with vodka, thanks GIN
Pretentious way to say 'oceans' DEEPS
Shiny inner shell coating that makes pearls NACRE
Shoe manufacturer whose name derives from the Latin for 'bird' AVIA
Slaps one's own palms repeatedly CLAPS
Slice left over from Thanksgiving, say PIE
Smarter long-term alternative to fossil fuels... that could come from the starts to 17-, 30-, 49-, or 65-Across RENEWABLEENERGY
Sport that is supposedly very subtle and technical but sure as heck just looks like two obese men shoving each other SUMO
Taco topper SALSA
To be handed in DUE
To this point YET
Totally comprehend GROK
Trashy champagne brand that comes in peach and strawberry ANDRE
Type of restaurant that for years my wife thought served Indian food because of the way it sounds DELI
Unit spotted at a gym (in both ways) REP
Vegas landmark with a Mardi Gras motif HARRAHS
Viewpoint, metaphorically LENS
Will Ferrell movie with the line 'Not now, arctic puffin!' ELF
World's third-smallest country, trailing only Vatican City and Monaco NAURU
___ Northman ('True Blood' hunk) ERIC