Wall Street Journal - Dec 7 2015 - Vegging Out

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Clues Answers
'Days of ___ Lives' OUR
'Honest' president ABE
'That's obvious!' NODUH
'That's a shame' TOOBAD
'You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine' singer Lou RAWLS
'___ silly question...' ASKA
Additionally ASWELL
Aware of ONTO
Ball-bearing item TEE
Bashful SHY
Ben Affleck film set in Iran ARGO
Better ventilated AIRIER
Bit of April Fools fun PRANK
Bite-size burger SLIDER
Blow one's top ERUPT
Borders EDGES
Busy activity ADO
Car care org AAA
Catchall abbr ETC
Concrete component CEMENT
Crimson-finned food fish OPAH
Earlier: Abbr PREV
Element next to carbon on the periodic table BORON
Eloquent speaker ORATOR
Evidence that's often inadmissible HEARSAY
Fancy neckwear ASCOT
Female elephant COW
Grouses CARPS
Had a meal ATE
Hendrix's hairdo AFRO
Historic time AGE
Historic time ERA
HMO requirement, often COPAY
Idaho's largest city BOISE
James of 'The Godfather' CAAN
Keep a rhythm TAP
Keep a rhythm BEAT
Lend a hand AID
Like soap you can wear into the shower ONAROPE
Clues Answers
Link letters? URL
Man with morals AESOP
Medicine sold by a quack SNAKEOIL
Milkshake variety MALT
Murders, in slang DOESIN
NHL great Bobby ORR
Nos. on student transcripts GPAS
Nutrition label abbr RDA
One ___ kind OFA
Orangutans and gorillas APES
Outfit for a groom TUX
Prefix between bi- and quadri- TRI
Provider of overhead views in NFL broadcasts SKYCAM
Shot spot ARM
Sings like Ella Fitzgerald SCATS
Snare TRAP
Snug bug's place INARUG
State whose motto is 'North to the Future' ALASKA
Strong adhesive EPOXY
Suffix with silver, stem or spy WARE
Superman's adopted family KENTS
Texas hero Houston SAM
The person who's vegging out COUCHPOTATO
They track down AWOL soldiers MPS
Tremendously VERY
Trouble-free, in ads NOHASSLE
TV signal part AUDIO
Washroom sight BASIN
Went on horseback RODE
What a 57-Across might do SNEAKANAP
What a 57-Across might do WATCHAVIDEO
What a 57-Across might do READABOOK
What a 57-Across might do SOLVEACROSSWORD
Wind up END
Wise fellow SAGE
Worker or queen BEE
Yawning gorge CHASM
Yoga floor sight MAT