USA Today - Apr 21 2008

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Clues Answers
$25 per hour, e.g. RATE
''. . . wherefore ___ thou'' ART
''Fernando'' singers ABBA
''Not___'' (''Think nothing of it'') ATALL
''Paper Roses'' singer Marie OSMOND
''The Faerie Queene'' poet SPENSER
43,560 sq. ft. ACRE
Andy's pal on old radio AMOS
Arnold Ziffel's home STY
Attributes, as blame LAYS
Autogiro feature ROTOR
Big supporter DCUP
Blackberry, e.g. PDA
Cad, rake or bounder ROUE
Cain and Abel's nephew ENOS
Camel's hair color TAN
Catch sight of NOTICE
Chachi's beloved JOANIE
Chief transport? CANOE
Columns with notable slants, briefly OPEDS
Contacted on a cell CALLED
Counts' counterparts EARLS
Dada collectibles ARPS
Early Atlas rocket, e.g. ICBM
Electric dart firer TASER
Eliot's miser MARNER
Eye protector LID
Finish perfectly NAIL
Give authority to EMPOWER
Hawaiian island LANAI
Horse chow bit OAT
Hound smaller than a foxhound HARRIER
In the manner of ALA
J.F.K.'s predecessor DDE
Jewish pledge of faith SHEMA
Kett of the comics ETTA
Clues Answers
Leaves the woods, in a way DECAMPS
Legal claim DROIT
Like the perfect place EDENIC
Noted meter maid RITA
Org. with some real operators AMA
Parisian pronoun LUI
Part of a joule ERG
Petrol measure LITRE
Picasso's art movement CUBISM
Play to the rafters EMOTE
Resource-sharing PC network LAN
Respectful add-on in Tokyo SAN
SASE, e.g. ENC
Score-producing stats RBIS
Scrubs, a la NASA ABORTS
She inspires poets ERATO
Short shots? PICS
Stoat, in winter ERMINE
Subdivisions of subdivisions LOTS
Substance obtained from some pines RESIN
Suffers through sibilants LISPS
Tape sent to the William Morris Agency, perhaps DEMO
Tarzan's swing LIANA
Then again YET
Tittle partner JOT
Tom Clancy hero Jack RYAN
Trapshooting SKEET
Treats hair badly? TEASES
Unit of magnetic inductivity TESLA
Verb ending? OSE
What alumni do REUNE
What comes between partners? AND
Where Tony Bennett hails from ASTORIA
___ Cone SNO
___ Martin (classic car) ASTON
___-fi (literary genre) SCI